Is McD's trying to slow down their sales so staffing can keep up? Because this is how you kill a business... pun intended.
🧠 These people are stupid!
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Socialist completely took over the media and over 20 years turned America into a leftist state. Then like all leftists, they exterminated any point of view that wasn't their own. Protected and vaulted by the Media, leftists took over the government with honied lies are free stuff and a supportive socialist state.
Now the normies are waking up slowly, realizing they have been screwed as the leftists do what every group of leftists do in history: become HARD hyper-authoritarians who start brutally punishing even the smallest amount of non compliance.
But, at this point the only way out is the fight your way out. And good luck, the US military has publicly backed Supreme leader Joe Biden.
The only hope at this point is that things are military are not what their public statements state, and that Q wasn't a total larp.
Because right about now, if anybody was ever going to bring out the hard power and stop them, they would.