Comments (9)
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I had thought that that particular demographic would never wake up.... maybe I was wrong.
There are awake people in my age group but most of these people are Bernie retards who don’t like Biden cause he’s not left enough.
Personally I disagree with most zoomers being bernie tards. I've literally only met one fellow zoomer who was a bernie tard. Pretty much everyone else I know is either really conservative, or takes up a libertarian-ish view of things.
As much as I LOATHE social media, it's not that hard to see that younger people (Zoomers) are angry, becoming more based, and quickly coming over to our side. Though I've always believed most zoomers were rather conservative from the get go and all of this talk about zoomers being hyper liberal is just the result of a demoralization campaign by the media.
Remember how EVERY poll claimed that democrats were the overwhelming majority and hildabeast was gonna win? Or how about support for the riots last year?
People need to stop associating morons on social media with everyone in Gen Z. That's like me associating every boomer with Archie Bunker (Which, granted would be hilarious and awesome). The people who don't use social media for anything other than memes or use it at all VASTLY outnumber the liberal morons you get bombarded with on the internet.
Interesting response... thank you.
We were waiting for a 29 perce t approval that Q said would be an indicator with others we are winning.
Interesting! Do you happen to know which post?
That is less than one third. If you look at society, issues that are about 50-50 seesaw back and forth in support and don't get resolved. When sentiment is 2:1 it is usually a tipping point. If I were going to do something where public support was essential, I'd be looking for that point where opposition sinks below 1/3 to make a move.
I will say it again.....Biden's REAL numbers are after you divide by 5 then divide by 5 again