And another one gone. Stephanie Murphy.
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Anyone else starting to wonder if "will not run for re-election" is code for them formally announcing they will not run from White Hats when the day comes?
I believe "I will not run" was a condition of not being prosecuted and sent to prison.
They probably agreed to stay out of politics for the future.
'Q' said that not all corrupt lawmakers and others involved would be prosecuted. In some cases, where their involvement in corruption was minor, it's less disruptive to simply force them to resign.
I think quite a few of these were set up to win from the beginning by the money holders without a clear idea as to what would then be required of them. It’s not all blind ignorance, but surely some were like “now’s my chance to make a difference” not seeing the Big Bad Wolf 3 rows back holding the money bag.
Useful idiots gotta go though no matter from whence.