Hey frens,
I previously asked for prayers for my mom, who is doing a bit better from her bout with covid. My dad is in rough shape after one week of it (and using all the vitamins and IVM we all know about), and is currently in the ER. He has a very bad cough and low blood oxygen levels. He also has severe pulmonary hypertension, and he’s struggling a lot. Please lift him up in your prayers for rapid healing and recovery. Thank you
Why is IVM and vitamins not working for some people, but working a miracle for others?
Vitamins get you in shape to ward off infection. If you still get sick, they are still necessary. Some doc have given up to 300,000 u IV as a one-time dose, I have read, usually less. Ivermectin prevents viral replication. Best time to take it is preemptively or when the first symptoms occur. If infected anyway, keep taking to keep viral load down as much as possible. HOWEVER. As I understand this minute, and that could change tomorrow, the bad respiratory symptoms are related to damage in the blood vessels. That is due to an inflammatory reaction to the virus and would need anti inflammatory treatment. Most of the favorite meds like quercetin and IVM have a certain amount of anti inflammatory action, but it could take more. Preexisting circulation problems like pulmonary hypertension don't help.
So maybe it’s that the people are not taking it as a preventative or at least at the very first signs of illness. That would give the virus a few days to cause damage before they took the IVM. I was just wondering bc my friend got sick, thought it was a cold the first couple days, so didn’t think much of it. By about the third day he had worse symptoms so took a test and it was positive. He took IVM that night, so end of night 3 and was better 2 days later- the problem is that now he is having like inflammation after-effects of covid like heart palpitations, sore chest when taking deep breaths, and lingering cough. I was just kinda surprised bc I didn’t think there would be any after-effects since he took the IVM
Yes. Ivermectin, HCQ, Benadryl lactoferrin all are effective against the virus replicating. The less virus, the less damage later. Most people, including doctors and nurses, are like your friend, they wait to see what happens because normally you get over infections.
We’ve over hyped IVM and HCQ. These things are good but not infallible.
I’m hearing about lots of people struggling to live right now. Many are unvaccinated, many are vaccinated.
Covid may not have been real (or 98% media hype) in 2020, but it’s definitely a real thing now.
I think part of the problem is that the vaxxed are shedding toxic spike protein all over the place making people sicker (vaxxed and unvaxxed).
My dad, aunt, and uncle (each unvaxxed) spent nearly 2 years living life normally, in close contact with clients at work.
Suddenly they’ve each had moderate bouts of covid lasting weeks, despite vitamins.
I can only think that it’s the vaccinated themselves causing this. This didn’t happen like this until the majority of the population got vaccinated, and it’s the same pattern that has played out in every vaccinated country.
Yes I agree with that. Spike protein shedding must be real because it’s not just the vaxxed that are struggling with Covid now. It wasn’t always like this but finally due to the vaccine, they are getting what they want.
First thing I always wonder is if they are vaxxed. If not, have they been wearing a mask all this time for the sake of "go along to get along", their job or shop? Just as the studies done after the 1918 spanish flu, several people died the following year from regular cold/flu season cuz they were breathing in their own toxins for a year...they damaged their lung capacity....
Both of my parents are vaxx-free and don’t wear masks. They started taking vitamins C, D3, zinc, weeks before either had symptoms, and then began taking Quercetin, NAC, and IVM when symptoms began (my mom started 3 days after first symptoms).
Oh dear. Thank you for clarifying. Praying for total healing in the name of Jesus. I'm thinking all unvaxxed need to stop wearing masks (if they are), and in they're aren't already taking vit c, d, quercetin and zinc we need to start immediately as a precautionary measure....to build up our immune systems and not wait until we have symptoms. I've been hearing various doctors saying this for months now and we should heed their warnings if were going to beat this. That, and put on the full armor if God.🙏🙏🙏🙏
I wonder if they being taken with 50mg Zinc per day.
Both Ivm and Quercetin act as Zinc ionophores.
This all just sucks and I’m starting to feel apathetic towards it. I’ve been diligent about keeping up with the newest research and new things to do to treat it or prevent it. My brain and emotions are tired. I had to give a vaxxed family member a 2 hour ride in my car yesterday and I got home thinking damn it, we were in a tiny car 2 hours breathing in the same damn air lol. I cracked the window of course but it was freezing out. Just sick of thinking about this stuff
I don’t know, but I’ve been asking myself the same question. Both of my parents started treatment early (my dad did on his first day of symptoms), but they’ve been hit so hard with it, that it seems like none of it worked. They have some rather serious co-morbidities, but I can’t tell if they’ve helped them at all, honestly.
Same here 💔
I think it largely has to do with individual timing.
I’m in the hospital right now making small improvements from injectable steroids to counter lung inflammation (lots of it). I’m mud 40s Male and started my HCQ/IVM a few days after my wife. She’s pretty well recovered an, well, by the time the doc said “you should do to the ER if condition” I was already headed to a bad place.
If anyone’s not yet and they want to keep an extra level of detail on their respiratory health, buy a pulse-oximiter. It’s “how we could tell”.
We got this little ditty from Amazon.
Okay thank you for that tip- I keep hearing about them but haven’t bought one yet. I will get one from Amazon