38 Don't forget to meditate, pray, or have a moment of silence in an hour and 50 min. It is the numbers that matter. You are one of the 144,000 whether you like it or not. (media.greatawakening.win) posted 3 years ago by 10lbsBass 3 years ago by 10lbsBass +41 / -3 22 comments download share 22 comments share download save hide report block hide replies
I always thought it would be all the jews (the real ones, not the satanist khazars) that accept Jesus as the prophesized messiah, and all christians. 12 tribes of Israel (jews) x 12 apostles (christians) x 1000 ( giant uncountable crowd)
12,000 from each of the 12 tribes.
My theory was more like an uncountable crowd of "descendants" of both sacred groups of 12 mentioned in the bible