Yes the story about Lot and his daughters escaping a town that was engaged in way worse things than a couple a bros plugging butts. If Enoch was left in the Bible as it was supposed to be, you'd have a very different perspective on Sodom n Gomora in that it was destroyed because the people wanted to breed with angles as they had before the flood.
I love how this is used as a story to scare you about the dangers of homosexuality, but then Lot gets raped by his daughters so they can keep the family bloodline going... Oh woops. Forgot I wasn't supposed to read that far.
EDIT: Which the account of Lot and his daughters procreating is just one version. For all we know the actual story is that Lot wanted to impregnate his daughters and so... he did. Seriously, guys, SnG is not the moral hill you want to die on...
Yes the story about Lot and his daughters escaping a town that was engaged in way worse things than a couple a bros plugging butts. If Enoch was left in the Bible as it was supposed to be, you'd have a very different perspective on Sodom n Gomora in that it was destroyed because the people wanted to breed with angles as they had before the flood.
I love how this is used as a story to scare you about the dangers of homosexuality, but then Lot gets raped by his daughters so they can keep the family bloodline going... Oh woops. Forgot I wasn't supposed to read that far.
EDIT: Which the account of Lot and his daughters procreating is just one version. For all we know the actual story is that Lot wanted to impregnate his daughters and so... he did. Seriously, guys, SnG is not the moral hill you want to die on...