posted ago by Katrina241 ago by Katrina241 +165 / -0

After Trump won the 2016 election, he knew that deep-seated election fraud was something he’d have to address.

His tweets make it plain he knew it was decades in the making and, without fixing that, the swamp draining wouldn’t last but a cycle.

I have no idea if he knew how resilient and evil they would be. I think he was genuinely shocked at the measures these people took to keep hold of their power... The timing of EO 13848 says he was going to address election fraud the very next cycle.

The fact that he made the election system critical infrastructure (making it national security issue) AND that he made the EO about foreign interference, says he knew there was treason happening.

And that he knew this by the fall of 2018, but likely much earlier.

It takes time to staff and approve an executive order. The timing of its signing was only one month before the 2018 mid-terms...

All the responsible agencies (DNS, DNI, etc.) would have been coordinating and staffing the draft for months prior to that.

Trump would not have ordered these agencies to do things if they hadn’t first assured him they were capable and ably so. Deadlines would have been based on their capabilities.

He knew what they would find. He knew how they would find it. He knew how much time they would need to give him the results...

The collection effort in the 2018 midterms would be watching the elections (now national security critical infrastructure) to ascertain detail about the treason and fraud.

How they were doing it; who was doing it; their organizational structure & trade practices; communication networks; critical nodes; centers of gravity; etc.

Information that could be used to clandestinely capture the enemy red-handed later (2020)...

I think Trump knew, after he won, not only that treasonous fraud was an issue, but that they would pull all stops to steal 2020.

He was preparing for it from the beginning. EO 13848 is proof that he knew, and it enabled the first round of collection of the proof he would need to bring them down.

It informed the second round of collection during the 2020 election.

He TOLD us repeatedly, in the summer of 2020, they were going to steal it by mail-in ballot... An aside: This is about paper ballots and practices that collect or manufacture fraudulent ballots (masses of bulk-printed paper ballots, for instance), or destroy legal ballots.

It is irrelevant that there could have been software manipulations of vote totals.

Without ballots, the data cannot be adequately audited.

If the ballots are destroyed, the computed totals mean nothing...

Sure, the vote totals enabled the departure point for the narrative on the election night of Nov 3rd, 2020.

That was hard to combat without audits.

But from a legal sense, those vote totals don’t mean anything in a law-and-order society.

Law and order is about paper ballots...

So, secret servers in Germany manipulating vote tabulations? Or machines in GA programmed to automatically add Biden votes and take away Trump votes? Is that fraud? Sure.

But it’s only valuable for narrative construction – which is powerful and had its effect.

But hand-tabulated, legal ballots will always settle the dispute in a law-and-order society.

The issue is we weren’t allowed to audit and count only the legal ballots.

This – and only this – can undo the narrative...

The big questions:

  • Who was manufacturing illegal ballots, transporting them, destroying legal ballots, etc. (corruption)?

  • Of those, who is doing these things on behalf of a foreign enemy (treason)?

  • How can we capture the evidence?

2018 answered these questions.

In 2018, he watched the 10pm to 4am election center shenanigans that manufactured enough votes for Democrat candidates in EVERY close race.

They stole the House that night and walked right into the trap. Perfect...

He observed

  • who was giving orders and

  • who the foot soldiers were;

  • how they were communicating;

  • what their trade practices were.

Keep in mind, all House representatives face re-election every 2 years.

That means EVERY local district election machine was observable in 2018.

The fraud organizations were very active. Honing their skills...

2020 is when the slam-dunk evidence was collected.

That evidence was – obviously – always considered the Trump card, pun intended. Meaning it would be saved for the fail-safe COA, which was never the public effort to disclose and correct the treason and fraud.

In military planning terms, I think there was one primary course of action (COA) and two branches from that. If the primary COA was effective there would be no need for the two branches...

The primary COA was the public effort to right the election through the system – which failed to work.

This was the courts and Congressional certification process.

When that failed, there were two ways to go: “martial law” (public - somewhat) or “government in exile” (clandestine), to use SLAG’s term, which is perfect.

Obviously, the martial law branch was not taken...

This means the “government in exile” branch was feasible by Jan 20th, 2021.

Preparation for the “government in exile” COA could have been clandestinely in the works since Jan 2019, immediately following the 2018 midterms; when proof of treason was in hand. This, TREASON, I think is the golden spike that makes clandestine coordination and acceptance by state legislatures doable.

That is a full two years to carefully thread this needle.

With that I'll take a break until tomorrow, I think. [this will continue Wed. 12/22]

beginning of thread here... https://freeatlantis.com/@h53pilot/107485862399653767