What? Baby mode? I only disagreed with you. Bless your heart. I say make your own choice to get the vaccine. Maybe I am missing your point so I'll just leave it alone. I didn't go into baby mode though. I simple expressed my opinion. Peace
You got angry cause you think I told you what to do. I do care if you take the jab. I don't want you to to take it and understand why. It is not for your protection. How you are not aware of this while on this site is baffling.
There is no choice here so I don't know why you are talking about choice. The country is divided on where choice actually exists.
I have a serious issue with Trump and it grows as time moves on. The jab is NOT a vaccine and it is NOT a choice for tens of millions who face taking poison or losing their wealth.
I didn't get angry. We have a difference of opinion and I'm fine with that. Chill out a little. Don't take the vaccine if you don't want it. That is a personal CHOICE.
My wife lost her job because she wouldn't take it. That is not a choice it is a coercion. Your opinion is worthless on this particular matter because it falls directly in line with what degenerate leftists think about the jabs.
The argument flew right over your head and you went into baby mode.
What? Baby mode? I only disagreed with you. Bless your heart. I say make your own choice to get the vaccine. Maybe I am missing your point so I'll just leave it alone. I didn't go into baby mode though. I simple expressed my opinion. Peace
You got angry cause you think I told you what to do. I do care if you take the jab. I don't want you to to take it and understand why. It is not for your protection. How you are not aware of this while on this site is baffling.
There is no choice here so I don't know why you are talking about choice. The country is divided on where choice actually exists.
I have a serious issue with Trump and it grows as time moves on. The jab is NOT a vaccine and it is NOT a choice for tens of millions who face taking poison or losing their wealth.
I didn't get angry. We have a difference of opinion and I'm fine with that. Chill out a little. Don't take the vaccine if you don't want it. That is a personal CHOICE.
My wife lost her job because she wouldn't take it. That is not a choice it is a coercion. Your opinion is worthless on this particular matter because it falls directly in line with what degenerate leftists think about the jabs.