456 New Danish study - NEGATIVE effectiveness of mRNA vaccines against Omicron 90 days after 2 injections (media.greatawakening.win) 😷 PLANDEMIC 💉 posted 3 years ago by BasedCitizen (context) 3 years ago by BasedCitizen +458 / -2 67 comments download share 67 comments share download save hide report block hide replies
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People have time to figure it out when they are stuck dilating.
pukes knowing wtf you're talking about
Goddamn I hate that all of the deplorables in the fighting game community educated me on their mentally ill members.
Dilating like a pregnant woman dilates? Damn, I'm usually good about knowing the colloquialisms here.
No, trannys have to dilate frequently to keep their fake vagina from fusing shut. No idea how often. Don’t want to know.
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