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Do we know how any ppl are on this board or lurq around?
Never seen an actual number
i work in marketing and just checked through our system how many people visit this site monthly. the monthly average here hovers at about 2.5 million. about 89% of that is the US, followed by 6% canada, 3% UK, 1% australia and 1% slovokia for some reason. to compare, i checked as well and their monthly average is steadily around 11.5 million. i think we have a shit ton of lurkers and probably leftists who check here regularly that never interact or post
What exactly is in that 2.5million? Is it individual logins? Or is it 'everytime I click on a new message and change pages' collection? I rarely sign out, so I'm curious what's in that number. I might have only 2 log ins per month but check in probably 28 of 30 days.
it’s unique viewers per month. so you, who checks in 28 days per month, only count as 1 view. same as the leftist who checked yesterday for the first time all month to see if we were having a “meltdown” over the candace interview. i definitely think a good 30% of the monthly viewers are once or twice a month leftists who come to see our reactions to headlines.
Hmmm, interesting metrics. Thanks for making that available!
Good info, thank you.
thanks for sharing this, been wondering how many people come here. seems like voat had about 20,000 members when it shut down, but I don't know how that compares to the 2.5 million visitors per month.
I'd say your right about the lurkers. I also imagine the DOJ is here quite often. I am surprised that Australia's percentage isn't higher. I've read several posts/comments who have claimed to be Australian.
Am one of those Aussies. Mostly just read the posts, and comment occasionally to try and help out where I can.
yea I am in the 6%