Not dooming and I know this is an unpopular take so I am ready to take some hits.
In no particular order, and certainly not exhaustive, see below for the company DJT is keeping in expressing anti-jab-hesitant views in December, which has seen a real ramp up of anti-jab-hesitant rhetoric. This does not seem coincidental. By targeting the unjabbed, DJT is being complicit, and disingenuous, since there is overwhelming evidence that the jabbed are equally and in many studies more likely to spread, catch, get sick, be hospitalised and die from C19, rendering jabs, passports and restrictions on the unjabbed pointless. Booster efficacy particularly against Moronicrom is also dubious. The timing of his comments had better be 5D chess followed up by decisive manoeuvres. Otherwise, if not, he’s just another elite joining the pile-on and fanning the flames of division among the masses.
Andrew Neil, BBC and MSM dinosaur (Lolita Express frequent flyer)
William Hague, ex-UK Conservative Party leader globalist twat
Anne McElvoy, BBC & WEF commie stalwart
Piers Morgan, prize chump
Karen Brady, entrepreneur and crony globalist capitalist
Sajid Javid, UK Health Secretary (aka Savage Jabber)
Tony Blair, international war criminal and globalist henchman
Joe Bai Den, CCP sock puppet and Resident of the USA
Germany, history’s famous socialist-fascist superstate, locks down unjabbed
Austria, birthplace of history’s famous socialist-fascist tyrant
Eric Swalwell, colossal dipshit and CCP sock puppet
This is my theory as well. I am absolutely sure that PDJT knows the shots are not THE answer to the plandemic and I am just as sure he knows that the people that have not taken them at this point are not going to be coerced in to taking them just because he is the one showing support for them. We've resisted free burgers, donuts, vax-lotteries, free college tuition, free $100, gift card give-aways, (and in many locations) losing our jobs, being denied medical care, entry in to businesses being ostracized and in general have been blamed for all the ills of society. Trump has to know that his words will not convince the un-jabbed to finally give in and take it - he is preaching to a choir that we are not part of and it is all for optics so he can act just as disgusted by the corruption as we are once the truth comes out.