posted ago by chase_now ago by chase_now +11 / -4

Everyone is making up all sorts of stories about why Trump shilled the jab. My take is we need to look at the chess board and not the individual move.

By promoting the vax he knows it will have very little affect on his base taking it. So getting people to take the jab does not seem to be the reason he shilled.

As a master media manipulator it seems more likely that Trump is trying to get the media and politicians to cover his endorsement.

So if not to get people to take the jab then why endorse it? What move is Trump making

My best guess is he is positioning himself so when they come down hard on lockdowns that he can oppose them and he will have clout since he cant be labeled as antivax since it really is Trumps vaccine that he made and delivered.

I also think it might be a sign that the covid jab is really not that bad. So if you did need to take the jab that it is not going to be terrible life ending for most. Even though I don't see any need to take the jab I know many many who have and by Trump still endorsing it I am somewhat relieved that it cant be a death shot like some are making it out to be, or at least there will be a cure for the effects. He himself took the jab which to me means that he is not asking anymore than he is willing to do himself.

What are your thoughts on the next move he will make on the vaccine?