Better than you expected? There was not one memorable scene or character and the movie ends right when the story should be getting going. They reunite the team and then it just stops.
I myself found it best. The action is so compact and squeezed together, while in the original (and first sequel) these scenes were wide open, with a greater sense of grandeur. I found it hilarious that in a movie where they are trying to reclaim the "red pill" from the conservative/conspiracy theorists, they drop even more red pills to the masses.
Yeah it will age like wine. I actually appreciated the smaller short bursts of action with more focus on story.
But yeah I think the redpill reclaiming was to lure people in. The movie has a great message of team work and uniting against a common tyranny regardless of our lifestyles. There may have been woke characters (though that was never established or confirmed) but the movie never felt preachy. It felt like it had white hat influence.
the fight choreography was so pedestrian, especially for a movie that did it so memorably in the first one. Same with the gunplay, which is even more jarring when you're basically looking at John Wick who cant fire a gun.
Better than you expected? There was not one memorable scene or character and the movie ends right when the story should be getting going. They reunite the team and then it just stops.
What can I say? My expectations were low.
The story seems to have been setup to invite more sequels.
I myself found it best. The action is so compact and squeezed together, while in the original (and first sequel) these scenes were wide open, with a greater sense of grandeur. I found it hilarious that in a movie where they are trying to reclaim the "red pill" from the conservative/conspiracy theorists, they drop even more red pills to the masses.
Yeah it will age like wine. I actually appreciated the smaller short bursts of action with more focus on story.
But yeah I think the redpill reclaiming was to lure people in. The movie has a great message of team work and uniting against a common tyranny regardless of our lifestyles. There may have been woke characters (though that was never established or confirmed) but the movie never felt preachy. It felt like it had white hat influence.
the fight choreography was so pedestrian, especially for a movie that did it so memorably in the first one. Same with the gunplay, which is even more jarring when you're basically looking at John Wick who cant fire a gun.
Everything in this film is so half assed.