I start this by stating, Trump was the most brilliant president of my life time, and I loved Reagan. But Trump did as much for this nation in 3 years than the great one did in 8 years.
That being said, Trump was tapped (recruited). Q existed before Trump's involvement, if we are to believe the lore.
But do we really have proof of a patriotic, constitution loving, military cabal pre-existing Trump?
IF proven true, how do we know Q would attempt to re-use Trump?
I'd love to hear your thoughts.
There is no single source to prove what you seek. You can see bits and pieces, evidence that will build a case. Start with resources and Q proofs on the sidebar.
But we're all hoping and praying that before you find the answers, there will be less reason to dig and more reason to celebrate.
Amen to that, but I am a digger, I have gone down the rabbit whole and researched enough to know there is scant proof Qs' existence before late 2017. It is easy to say future proves past but I would like some past to prove future for once.
I'm not so much a disbeliever as I am a skeptical doubter with a good idea that it may all be true, just asking for breadcrumbs pre-dating Trump that show even a hint .
I am not the sharpest tool in the shed, but I will share my take. Questions can lead to answers or more questions. Either way the same themes surface and recur.
Q1: Had patriots in trusted positions devised a plan some time ago to restore the republic and did they recruit GEOTUS to be a part of it? Maybe no. Maybe so.
A1: If no, then we need to ascend to a higher vibration PDQ. Exit.
Q2: If yes, did said plan get upended by a shriveled potato in a basement and 'the most extensive and inclusive voter fraud organization in the history of American politics' deploying knockoff ballots, sharpies and a backed-up toilet? Maybe so. Maybe no.
A2: If so, then see 'A1.'
Q3: If no, then is something impeding justice from being openly served? Maybe no. Maybe so.
A3: If no, then we can simply let the execution of said plan play out while we focus on ascending to a higher vibration. Exit.
Q4: If yes, then can anons help hasten the removal of said impediment? Maybe no. Maybe so.
A4: If no, then see 'A3.'
Q5: If so, then how do we expand our thinking so that we may assist?
A5: I suspect the answer to this one involves ascending to a higher vibration.
I love your breakdown and the message, either way, prepare your own heart. Even if you take it out of new age terms of ascension, the biblical believers also believe in "the dead in Christ raising" and those that remain on the earth changing in the twinkling of an eye, at Christ's return. (which, also coincides with Armageddon and the total destruction of the surface of the planet).
The ones that took genetic modifications and went underground will survive too but just barely survive and come out into a new world that they do not control.
William Cooper interview 1992 https://rumble.com/vq4bk7-william-cooper-the-infamous-cnn-interview.html
He says he got Q clearance about 12-15 minutes in. Interestingly enough, he also mentioned that George Orwell had access to the same documents he did.
I know of 2 other videos that mentioned Q clearance and and I believe even a “network” of good guys or white hats but I have to find them.
Allow me to interject a thought that might help in directing the investigation. This thought has, on it' s surface, nothing to do with your question.
I cam across it when I was researching something else entirely, that is, seemingly something else, yet, it is all connected and a grander scale.
During the time of 1779, there existed on this planet two republics that were based on
one republic, of course, was the confederate United States of America. The other one was the Dutch Republic of the 7 provinces. The latter was past it heyday and in deep doodoo.
on the one hand there were the aspirations of freedom as detailed in the Act of Abjuration and the disappointments in it's manifestations. On the other, there was still this spirit, alive and well. So, certain interests decided to fuck those Royals in the ass when they weren' t paying attention and loaned the US a couple of million dollars in money through the Old Exchange Bank of Amsterdam, and allowed gun running though St Marten, a Caribbean Island, headed by a Governor.
interestingly, the gun running became obviously political when this governor decided to salute the gun-running USA Ship while it entered the harbor of St Marten. This, of course was a too blatant exhibition of self-governance, so the Governor got into hot water with the government in The Hague.
There are two things you I need you to appreciate before we continue. **1. The Dutch republic was a republic with a weak central government. **
This is elaborated in the Federal and anti-federalist papers. The Republic was a confederation of 7 provinces among which Holland was of main import, due to two factors: A. Amsterdam as one of the major financial centers, B. Rotterdam and Amsterdam, as the two main international harbors, which gave Holland pre-eminence economically among the state-provinces.
Being a royal, family to the King of England, having family ties to the major royal houses in Europe, William could only stay afloat in his position as stadhouder due to foreign influence and military.
To him this was ideal, why? Because his family had a dream. A dream to become kings of The Netherlands. Scheming for 200 years, they finally were very close. First they had brought the Republic under English control. Second, they had schemed to make the position stadhouder as heritable. The final push would come. And this, the salute, was the cause belli they had been waiting for.
So, in 1780 war was declared between England and The Dutch Republic for the 4th time. Of course the Dutch lost that war. They lost everything on an international level. So no more international overseas trade. They lost all their colonies and factories.
to give you some idea what a a small amount of people can do: https://wikiless.org/media/wikipedia/commons/9/93/DutchEmpire15.png
Note: the dark green was not the colonial situation in 1780. As you know, NY was exchanged for Suriname and other regions of interest.
This caused an economic crisis. The Stadhouder, after a lot of strife and unsympathetic action, had to flee to London, where he was received with honors, as the deal was simply that in due course, William or his son would become king of The Netherlands.
In them days, the natural order was simply royal. A popular government, exercising sovereignty without a monarch, with the protection of the rich and connected was simply unthinkable.
In 1795 the Batavian Republic was constituted, but was totally impotent and the French had different plans. Napoleon finally, sucked the country into his empire.
After Napoleons defeat at Waterloo, England was done for, bankrupt, beholden to the Rothschilds. Beatrice de Graaf, in her book, fighting terror after Napoleon, recounts the process of the settling of all the debts. Yes, many more countries were bankrupt. Debts were bought and sold, put together, divided, and paid for pennies on the pound.
Of course, the Netherlands was bankrupt. So, it had to become a principality and a kingdom. Logically. But a dream was come true.
The first thing this King did was setup his own bank, the Dutch Central Bank, and kill the Old Exchange Bank. The City of London had taken over.
So, from several angles, you might say, plans were coming together. Some plans were made on the fly, other, were vision, or rather, wishes and dreams of centuries past.
So, with this in mind, is it unthinkable that the USA would encompass people who genuinely support the declaration of independence, the Bill of Rights and the Constitution? Who would band together and over time plan how to derail and thwart the commie takeover? Who would rather live in a country where self-governance and freedom are as normal as breathing?
Is that dream, this necessity of life, this heirloom, this divine gift something to aspire to?
If power can be a dream to aspire to, why not freedom? Has it been done before? Yes, twice. Then let it be done once more.
Thank you for your response.
There is so much to unpack in your historical parallel I could not even adequately respond on a point by point basis, on this venue.
In short, Q was never a person but the personification of an idea, which encompassed many families and factions that did not agree with those that had dictatorially assumed control. And historically, against all odds, in the past, those factions have won the war against empires.
That is a very nice summary. I especially like the emphasis on the freedom faction winning out against large empires.
I have to put a corollary in there:
The win always comes at a costs. And just as with the Roman General Pyrrhus of Epirus, Empires have deeper roots by having bigger money interests.
however, these days things are a bit different. Maybe 25.000 people control 99% of wealth.
What conditions must be met to win out on them, without being trapped by some of their agents?
Strip them not only of assets but of their clothing of lies, lay them bare before the word of truth (expose the lies) and lay them bare of the treasure they served over God.
Edit; make them wear the orange jump suit of their own prisons.
The obvious comes to mind that if true by law Trump is still commander and chief so I guess I'm asking proof of the lore itself did Q + really pre-date Trump by a decade? And why go silent suspiciously just before election results came back with the steal??