Many of the biggest "know it alls" get all their information from MSM. I've put together a list of some questions to challenge some of them. Please feel free to add any of your own questions.
What is your understanding of the Mrna vaccine? How does it work compared to traditional vaccines? How long has this technology been around?
How do the Covid tests work?
Are the tests able to differentiate between Covid virus and other viruses like the flu?
What are the average number of flu infections, hospitalizations, and death? What were they last year?
How are various Covid variants tested and reported on in regions?
Who makes health related policy in the world and USA? Who are the members Where do they get funding from? What are they invested in?
Why are HCQ and ivermectin being blocked and banned around the world?
Has HCQ been used before Covid? For how long and by how many people?
What won the Nobel prize in medicine in 2015?
Have any countries or areas of the world opted to use Ivermectin instead of the vaccine? What was the result?
Are there any countries that have vaccinated the majority of its people with 3 shots? What was the result?
Can the vaccinated infect others with the virus?
Does the Covid vaccine keep its efficacy? For how long? How does this compare to all other vaccines?
If vaccines should be mandatory, then should boosters be also? If so, then how many boosters and for how long?
What other medical procedures should we consider to make mandatory?
Extreme cold refrigeration for vaccine shipping was required at first. Is this still required?
Is that the list you were going to present to the pharmacist?