I see this mentality of “it’s becoming more and more obvious” day in and day out.
It’s not about making sense.
They don’t care about shit making sense.
They care about obedience and orthodoxy to the fabric of their paradigm. That’s it.
We don’t live in an enlightened society anymore.
We live in an authoritarian society where falling in line is the primary goal for most - not enlightened critical thinking.
We have more in common with the Stasi & North Korea than we do the Americans that founded this nation.
I say “We” here based on the average thinking of an average 20-year-old.
THEY target children fervently through any variety of angles from ROBLOX to YOUTUBE to Outcome-Based-Education designed not to test critical thinking but how well they can follow directions and they create Misery for the Critical Thinkers while most Patriots sit and hide behind their computers instead of doing anything and everything they can to teach the youth of America.
They’ve systematically targetted all institutions that help form world views of Children.
I see this mentality of “it’s becoming more and more obvious” day in and day out.
It’s not about making sense.
They don’t care about shit making sense.
They care about obedience and orthodoxy to the fabric of their paradigm. That’s it.
We don’t live in an enlightened society anymore.
We live in an authoritarian society where falling in line is the primary goal for most - not enlightened critical thinking.
We have more in common with the Stasi & North Korea than we do the Americans that founded this nation.
I say “We” here based on the average thinking of an average 20-year-old.
THEY target children fervently through any variety of angles from ROBLOX to YOUTUBE to Outcome-Based-Education designed not to test critical thinking but how well they can follow directions and they create Misery for the Critical Thinkers while most Patriots sit and hide behind their computers instead of doing anything and everything they can to teach the youth of America.
They’ve systematically targetted all institutions that help form world views of Children.
How are you quantifying the number of people that distrust the media?
Honest question.
I was doing this before trump and will until my last Breathe.
My hope was that you had some tangible metrics.
It took me twenty years to wake up my family - I never let up and took the time required.
Everyone has their own pace. Too fast and they shut back down