To big to not have some sort of special and extremely expensive certifications to go along with them. Not to mention if one of those decided to go nuclear. Also you cant work on electric cars without the very likely hood of dying. I owned a hybrid back in 05. Biggest mistake in my car buying life. The battery lasted the usual 2 years then had to get a 5000 dollar replacement. That's without install. That's super expensive because they can only be worked on by electric car certified guys that come along with tons of insurance and yearly training that has to be paid for. By you of course. The shops that these things are worked in has to have hazard zones around the car so someone doesn't catch an arch if something is exposed. Huge liabilities, expensive equipment, and specialized shops have to be paid for. By you of course.
Wait until you're stuck in a snow storm unable to charge the batts, watching the heater going cold!
PS how big will the battery's need to be for a farmer to plough a field for 12 hrs or combine for 24hrs a day?
To big to not have some sort of special and extremely expensive certifications to go along with them. Not to mention if one of those decided to go nuclear. Also you cant work on electric cars without the very likely hood of dying. I owned a hybrid back in 05. Biggest mistake in my car buying life. The battery lasted the usual 2 years then had to get a 5000 dollar replacement. That's without install. That's super expensive because they can only be worked on by electric car certified guys that come along with tons of insurance and yearly training that has to be paid for. By you of course. The shops that these things are worked in has to have hazard zones around the car so someone doesn't catch an arch if something is exposed. Huge liabilities, expensive equipment, and specialized shops have to be paid for. By you of course.
Yup not to mention when one of these things catches fire, it burns for days!
The smoke is pretty non-toxic too, I bet. And then you just send it to the car-crusher to melt down into more metal, right?
The only thing keeping a Li-Po battery from bursting into flames is the electrical charge.