OK! Time for a new site wide rule! From now on, ALL memes sauced from the MSM (CNN, NYT, MSDNC, etc.) must, repeat, MUST now include the Nicholas Cage "YA DON'T SAY?" PNG overlay, as shown in this example. Because, HOLY $#!+SNACKS, we TOLD YOU SO!!! (PNG overlay in top comment). #CNNSUCKS

Yeah well it's a pretty fucking big "I told you so" is when you die without accepting him out of lack of faith, you get cast out for eternity.
You're equating "I told you so" to usury. Do you believe them to be of equal harm to an individual?
No but I do believe ridicule is in order when we have been treated like shit in many ways for believing the truth and trying to get the test of the country to understand...who sat by idly while the reins of power tightened, businesses closed down, marriages broke, people committed suicide, our already shit education system took a major hit and students across the country lack skills below what kids grades younger had pre-lockdowns and mandates.
So quit being such a downer for those of us who finally feel some vindication and let those who stood by and refused to even listen to catch a little flack, while you?