OK! Time for a new site wide rule! From now on, ALL memes sauced from the MSM (CNN, NYT, MSDNC, etc.) must, repeat, MUST now include the Nicholas Cage "YA DON'T SAY?" PNG overlay, as shown in this example. Because, HOLY $#!+SNACKS, we TOLD YOU SO!!! (PNG overlay in top comment). #CNNSUCKS

You don't think Jesus mocked wrongdoers in a social setting?
What denomination teaches that?
You don't think the apostles told people they were doing anything wrong, because that would mean they are "judging them"?
I think you're confused, you're conflating "telling people their actions are wrong" (which is what much of the New Testament is about), with the final judgement of their souls.
I perceive you are a concern troll.
If you have to make-up something someone said in order to have an opinion on that thing, your opinion is probably bad.
lol Thank you for giving me a breakdown of your failure but I already had it figured out. Have a great day.