Sorry, I thought everybody had seen it because it was stickied the same time I had written that comment. Can't find it now, but Catsfive had unilaterally declared something like, New rule: from now on, when posting MSM stories you have to add the Nicholas Cage "You Don't Say! " meme with it. I think he was kidding, but a bunch of people started doing it.
what rule is that??
Sorry, I thought everybody had seen it because it was stickied the same time I had written that comment. Can't find it now, but Catsfive had unilaterally declared something like, New rule: from now on, when posting MSM stories you have to add the Nicholas Cage "You Don't Say! " meme with it. I think he was kidding, but a bunch of people started doing it.
ah ok. i dont have time to check this site everyday so dont always see these things. Thanks