posted ago by Xirturn1984 ago by Xirturn1984 +29 / -0

I work for the largest warehouse for my supermarket company on the east coast. Their rules are as follows. People who are vaxxed prior to Nov dont have to do anything. People vaxxed after Nov must provide their proof. Unvaxxed are gonna be subject to certain testing rules which have yet to be determined.

I already spoke to a handful of my coworkers and they are all in on a walkout.

Many of us are adamant we arent gonna be doing the tests because we aren’t hypochondriacs. And we know the tests show an insane number of false positives. Interested in any advice in what to do here.

If the walkout were to happen, to put into context, stores for PA, NJ, Delaware, and VA would all be affected. Not to mention the trucker strike which may happen come February.