545 Borrowed from GAB .... David Hogbreath gets OWNED on twatter!! (media.greatawakening.win) posted 2 years ago by Scotty1954 2 years ago by Scotty1954 +545 / -0 38 comments download share 38 comments share download save hide report block hide replies
Remind me Hogg, why does your opinion matter anymore?
Did it ever matter?
I find that offensive.
If Pepe's covfefe finds that offensive, imagine how Pepe must feel.
Wouldn't be as cute as Pepe. Greta and Hogg look like they were grown in the same test tube.
Just replied to him.
Said everyone knows you're an agent and crisis actor. Stop dude. You are making a fool of yourself. No one cares what you have to say. Worst attempt at trying to trick the public.