Let's celebrate 2021! What was your most defiant moment of the year? When did you stand up to tyranny? (reply in the comments)
Emailing the school board and the doctor advising them who I know personally, demanding evidence of the efficacy of masks in stopping a virus.
Unfortunately, nothing has come of my email(s), but I put muself out there as a small business leader of my city and attempted to stand up for the children.
I spent an hour on the phone with an attorney attempting to sue the school system over this. The attorney truly sympathized but did not see a path to victory.
I am thinking I need to pursue this further in 2022!
I was pretty stressed about doing this, but I personally confronted my child’s administration at her school to confirm there would be no vaccine clinics or vaccine days or anything of that nature, and let them know I did not want her to be a part of anything like that.
We’ve only been at the school a year… but God provided me the opportunity to do so, and so I did.
Aside from that, I never wear masks and even wait until they bitch at me at the doctors office before I put one on below my nose. Only because I have to be there.
I talk to anyone who will listen about the absurdity of masks and now vaxx crap. Send articles and compilations. Wrote my husbands exemption letter. Constantly send info to family and friends who will listen.
I also helped with something that I’ll write about one day, but not willing to share just yet. But it’s a great story.
My ex is facing a deadline and she won't get vaxxed. I'm with her and sent her some resources. Any recommendations I can forward her?
My recommendation is to file a religious exemption, because those seem to be accepted much more often than medical. Also I’ve heard cases of medical being accepted but only temporarily and the person will have to re-file, for example, in 6 months.
Here are some additional links and example letters for that I’ve found and others have shared:
Thank you so much! Saved!
Looking forward to hearing more Betsy !