This is why they rely on emotions instead of logic to get people. It's sensationalist garbage. Rush Limbaugh gave two fucks if you listened to him or not. All he did was share his perspective. He built what he did simply by speaking his mind and people listened. He didn't care if he had listeners or not, it was about sharing ideas and having the conversation. This is why people listened to him.
Enter your average leftists Hollywood faggot. They NEED the attention. They can't live without it. These people feed on ego and validation. They can't stand the fact that people like me (and even some folks in this sub feel the same way towards me) don't. Fucking. Care. I do not now or will I ever need the validation of other people. You want to listen to what I have to say, I will say it. And other right winger types will too. But none of us will be bothered if you tune us out. We aren't interested in forcing our views on anyone. We speak our minds and we exist free and they fucking HATE that. They cannot stand it so they rely on their CIA buddies to put out all the garbage propaganda they need to get people to pay attention to them. "Oh look at so and so, don't you want to be like them!?!" "You're life isn't complete without so and so's endorsed bullshit product"
Meanwhile what does Rush and others like him do? Promote other products. They hardly ever self promote except for events where fans can come meet them. And they do that for the fans. Not their own self gratification.
Obviously it's not as black and white as that. Yes there are egotistical right wingers. They exist. This isn't even really supposed to be a L v R post so much as it is about Hollywood and media leftists. And I mean this allegory is true of all the rest of us here. You wanna listen, cool. If you don't it's whatever. We don't care what bullshit they put out there because we know it isn't true and convincing them of that is actually not as hard as it seems. The catch is you have to do it in person or in some capacity that isn't text.
Remember frens, their meaningless insults are just that. They hurdle from a place of safety thinking what they say matters. It doesn't. We stand in Truth and they hate us for it. But you know what? I don't. Fucking. Care.
Something else Rush used to talk about along those same lines is he couldn’t be destroyed by the media and the left because he wasn’t created by them. The media/left build people up as a means of control. Stray from the narrative too much as they’ll be boycotted, blacklisted, or nowadays, canceled.