We are in a war with the DS and they use every tool they have against us. One of those tools is alcohol. It is advertised like it's essential to your existence as a human being.
It is one of the most potent weapons they have. What do we get out of it? Absolutely nothing. It is a downer, a depressant and a burden on your body.
The DS even went as far as starting a trend that praises the "dad bod" and as another patriot in here mentioned, they left them open through out the lock downs. That and fast food of course.
It has some benefits but we don't apply it in that manner. This is the time to get fit, physically, mentally and spiritually.
The countless benefits in your daily life are enough to cut alcohol out but consider these two extra reasons:
1. The DS won't use fat slobs to come to your door if shit hits the fan. If you can't hold your own cause you're overweight, panting and unable to move, the 2A won't do you any good
2. President Trump does NOT drink alcohol and makes that very clear
Happy New Year, Patriots. God Bless.
Getting drunk aka “acute alcohol ingestion” … “decreases blood testosterone levels in normal healthy men”.[1]
When “healthy pre-menopausal women” were given a “low dose of alcohol”, acute increase in blood testosterone levels were measured.[1] The alcohol effect on testosterone is more prominent among women using Oral Contraceptives.[2]
“Chronic male alcoholics” are known to experience “testicular atrophy, gynaecomastia [male boobs], impotence and sterility”. Alcohol has a “direct toxic effect on the testes” and thus impairs testosterone production, and alcohol “enhances testosterone catabolism [breakdown]”. In addition to the negative impact on testosterone levels, “chronic alcoholic men are also exposed to the excessive oestrogen effect that results from the accumulation of oestrogenic hormones”.[3]
Source 1: Nature Vol 369, ‘Sex hormone response to alcohol’, 1994, https://www.nature.com/articles/369711a0
Source 2: Alcohol Alcohol Vol 35, ‘Acute effect of alcohol on androgens in premenopausal women’, 2000, https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/10684783
Source 3: Alcohol and Alcoholism, Volume 18, Issue 4, ‘The Effect of Alcohol on Male and Female Sexual Function’, 1983, https://academic.oup.com/alcalc/article-abstract/18/4/313/127335