Everything on this board is speculation. Nothing wrong with speculating that Betty White was DS, considering that she was named the 4th mayor of Hollywood honorarily. I hope she was good but she swam in a sea of swamp for so long that you can’t blame people for being skeptical of her. Did OP assume too much? Absolutely. But shame on him? The black eye club is just speculation too, I guess?
Here’s the problem, a small percentage of people participating in this community are paid to come here and plant the seeds of disinformation campaigns.
Evidence of that is you do see the occasional person in dot.win actually proposing that flat earth is a real conspiracy and cover up.
However, today most people understand that the recent promotion of “flat earth” was a blatant disinformation campaign planted in order to discredit each and every other legitimate conspiracy theory (ie. 9-11 was an inside job, JFK assassination by the CIA). Over the past few years, if I dared to propose that more than one person shot JFK, I was accused of believing in flat earth on forums like Reddit and Twitter.
Another example of a disinformation campaign was the “JFK Junior is Alive” campaign. Despite the fact that the Q page denied the idea that JFK Junior was still alive, some people here are still promoting that idea. That idea was promoted so much so that a few people actually gathered at a meeting in Texas last month for the return of JFK Junior. That meeting was ridiculed by the main-stream media. The purpose of the “JFK Jr. is alive” campaign was to imply that any and all Trump supporters are delusional. That is the point of a discrediting disinformation campaign.
They want to discredit the many of us here who believe that Trump may be returning to power as part of a “continuity of government” operation. We are labeled as delusional despite the fact that there is actual legal documented evidence of Trumps return to power being a strong possibility.
Now is there the remote possibility that the entire Trump-Q operation was a patriot pacification operation? In other words, could it have been a disinformation operation to suppress rebellion? If that was the case, I believe the deep state would already have been well on their way to taking away our guns. With the Supreme Court the way it is, I don’t think that gun confiscation can happen. However, we must keep our mind open to the remote, painful possibility that Trump-Q was a pacification operation.
In conclusion, we must always be awake to the possibility that larger disinformation campaigns are occurring.
Everything on this board is speculation. Nothing wrong with speculating that Betty White was DS, considering that she was named the 4th mayor of Hollywood honorarily. I hope she was good but she swam in a sea of swamp for so long that you can’t blame people for being skeptical of her. Did OP assume too much? Absolutely. But shame on him? The black eye club is just speculation too, I guess?
Here’s the problem, a small percentage of people participating in this community are paid to come here and plant the seeds of disinformation campaigns.
Evidence of that is you do see the occasional person in dot.win actually proposing that flat earth is a real conspiracy and cover up.
However, today most people understand that the recent promotion of “flat earth” was a blatant disinformation campaign planted in order to discredit each and every other legitimate conspiracy theory (ie. 9-11 was an inside job, JFK assassination by the CIA). Over the past few years, if I dared to propose that more than one person shot JFK, I was accused of believing in flat earth on forums like Reddit and Twitter.
Another example of a disinformation campaign was the “JFK Junior is Alive” campaign. Despite the fact that the Q page denied the idea that JFK Junior was still alive, some people here are still promoting that idea. That idea was promoted so much so that a few people actually gathered at a meeting in Texas last month for the return of JFK Junior. That meeting was ridiculed by the main-stream media. The purpose of the “JFK Jr. is alive” campaign was to imply that any and all Trump supporters are delusional. That is the point of a discrediting disinformation campaign.
They want to discredit the many of us here who believe that Trump may be returning to power as part of a “continuity of government” operation. We are labeled as delusional despite the fact that there is actual legal documented evidence of Trumps return to power being a strong possibility.
Now is there the remote possibility that the entire Trump-Q operation was a patriot pacification operation? In other words, could it have been a disinformation operation to suppress rebellion? If that was the case, I believe the deep state would already have been well on their way to taking away our guns. With the Supreme Court the way it is, I don’t think that gun confiscation can happen. However, we must keep our mind open to the remote, painful possibility that Trump-Q was a pacification operation.
In conclusion, we must always be awake to the possibility that larger disinformation campaigns are occurring.