Whelp... It's time to WELCOME our DOUBLE- and even TRIPLE-UNVAXXED new frens! Are you one of our "got vaxxed but are now done with this bullshit" lurkers? Please introduce yourself here! We kmow. You sincerely thought you were helping society. Now you're see what we see! JOIN US!
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I will go out on a limb here and say almost no freedom loving patriot is gonna give you shit for making adult decisions and standing by them. I dont fault anyone for feeling the need to get the jab. The problem begins and ends with the lies upon lies upon lies from the govt and pharma and the idea that these fucks think they can mandate we take it whether we want to or not. I know tons of people who took it and they are all totally fine as far as i know.
Yes to all, please dont forget the media lies, which are the biggest lies. The media lies allow all other lies. The fourth estate has become the fifth column.
Yes of course. If i tried to list all the institutions that are lying to us it would be an essay. MSM is THE enemy of the people.
Media lies and govt lies are one in the same. Reminds of the line from the TV producer in ‘V for Vendetta’ “we don’t make up the news, that’s the governments job”
Q did point many times to President Trump's speech where he said that the media FUNDS the Swamp.
Makes sense when you think on it and if Trump said it? It's true. Cabal-owned corporations give huge sums to the Cabal-owned media, who in turn hand over a share of it to the Cabal's Deep State.
Boy does that line ring true!
More like a leather-bound encyclopedia
Does anyone know of any institution that isn't lying to us now?
Perhaps the AHA..? They tried to post the heightened risk of myocarditis with CV19 vaccines on Twatter and had their account suspended/removed. But they did post it - that’s gotta count for something.
Hey fren, sounds like you made an adult decision based on the information available to you - which you probably realize by know was heavily skewed. Many of us on this board cannot fault you for living your own life. That is was freedom is all about. I do not necessarily have to agree with you, but I sure as hell are going to defend your right to have an opinion different from mine. Thanks for poking your head up and daring to get hit by the few inflexible.
By the way, do you and your misses a favor and get a D-dimer test just to make sure you have not got a clotting issue lurking. Peace
Yep - I've seen a few "I hope they get jabbed and die" idiots. Really, THEY are the ones who do not belong here. That attitude is so contrary to the message and mission of Q. Divisive, ugly.
Most folks here just want to know the truth so it can be propagated to those who might be endangered for LACK of truth.
I only just found out about something last week that everyone who WANTS the injections should know about. They are deliberately NOT doing needle aspiration. Why not? I don't know. Not doing it can be INSANELY dangerous. Goes into the fat? Great! Muscle? Well...okay. Goes into the bloodstream? Now we have problems. And that may well explain why some have IMMEDIATE heart attacks and strokes. I know one massive stroke/death (thin as a rail, not a healthy woman), one heart attack (a bit of a fatty and he recovered), and two myocarditis in very fit and healthy people who have hardly any extraneous tissue on them to inject into! I can see how accidentally getting it into the bloodstream would be more likely on thin people.
Why would this general order/instruction be given to those administering these shots? And was everyone told to do it this way? Or just some? It makes no sense.
They are fine for now. My concern for those that have taken it is the long term effects. I’m reading more and more that the spike protein is effecting those pre-existing conditions and killing people of those things they have had other issues with or maybe recovered from in the past. That way no one can ever blame the jab for their death. I have a family member that had bronchitis for years from smoking. She got the jab and is in ICU because her lungs are crystallizing and she now needs a lung transplant. Scary 😧 devious shit they are pushing.
My father got jabbed and went downhill fast afterward. After many visits to the hospital for scans and scopes they diagnosed him with kidney cancer and removed part of a kidney. He just got boosted. SMH
Start loading your dad up on Fenbendazole.
Look up Joe Tippen protocol.
The lie of omission is the biggest lie of all.