They may have high IQs but they are morally stupid. I know so many intellectuals who fell for this crap hook, line and sinker. I also know many "ordinary" people - barbers, mechanics, shelf stackers - with half their IQ who knew from the beginning that this was BS.
I listened to 3 hours of Sam Harris on Lex’s recent podcast with him. He was so obnoxious about how people who didn’t get to injected are stupid.
Same goes for that guy who wrote Snow Crash. Neal Stephenson I think?
Nerds with huge blind spots.
Same people who have TDS. Same people who support climate change BS.
And guess what, they also always have something mocking to say about flat earth. Makes ya wonder if there is something more to the idea dontcha think?
They may have high IQs but they are morally stupid. I know so many intellectuals who fell for this crap hook, line and sinker. I also know many "ordinary" people - barbers, mechanics, shelf stackers - with half their IQ who knew from the beginning that this was BS.
What are the arguments flat earthers make to defend their position?
Give an example. They obviously believe 2+2=4. What specifically about math do they get wrong?
I'm serious. If you don't even know their arguments, it means you haven't actually looked into the matter.
Agreed 100%
Talking shit on NASA nearly got me banned here, kek. Nerds hate that they are Deepstate as they come. The awakening won't be for everyone, I suppose.