No kidding. Some of us saw then what a murderer Fauci was. I worked in research for a few years and saw first hand from behind the scenes how the research was held for ransom by the money that this murdering bastard was controlling. Anyone willing to dance got the funds to continue to move forward - as long as they came up with the desired results to push an agenda forward. It all stopped being a search for scientific truth long ago. Research is so compartmentalized, that only the people at the top, or those on the outside with eyes to see, get the bigger picture of how all the pieces fit together. Those that are just the cogs in the wheel seem to be the last to know. They continue to drink the Kool-Aid thinking they serve a noble cause and can be some of the hardest to wake up. I know because I was there.
No kidding. Some of us saw then what a murderer Fauci was. I worked in research for a few years and saw first hand from behind the scenes how the research was held for ransom by the money that this murdering bastard was controlling. Anyone willing to dance got the funds to continue to move forward - as long as they came up with the desired results to push an agenda forward. It all stopped being a search for scientific truth long ago. Research is so compartmentalized, that only the people at the top, or those on the outside with eyes to see, get the bigger picture of how all the pieces fit together. Those that are just the cogs in the wheel seem to be the last to know. They continue to drink the Kool-Aid thinking they serve a noble cause and can be some of the hardest to wake up. I know because I was there.