I really cannot say I am ready to jump on the Andy Wakefield bandwagon about viruses and am not willing to take on terrain theory completely - however, they do bring some interesting food for thought to the table. There are far too many people that work with the critters to blow off viral germ theory altogether, even though they have gotten really sloppy and lazy when it comes to doing real science. Many of the emergent infectious pathogens of the twentieth century have been manufactured and are all part of the hoax. So, what exactly have they been creating that makes people sick? I just cannot buy the theory it is completely toxins, although they may play a part. There is an infectious process at play.
Many of these people claiming terrain theory come from a variety of occupations, such as physicists, engineers, etc. They claim there is no proof of viruses, but yet they offer nothing in the way of proving their own point beyond speculation and hypothesis. So, I listen to them and reserve judgement. When I can see more hard data coming from that camp I will be more than happy to listen. But for the moment, they seem to have a small group of people that circulate these ideas among each other and actually seem just as entrenched and unmovable in their opinions and need to be right as people on the germ theory side of the argument. Some of them are actually very rude and vicious in their attacks of the other side. It does not lend much to their credibility. My thought is always to just let the evidence speak for itself. When it becomes personal, you have already lost the argument.
I do not throw the baby out with the bath water by claiming that terrain is not a factor. In everything I look for balance because somewhere between the differing end points of view lies the truth probably somewhere in the middle between germ and terrain theory. But is that not science? It is always evolving and is never settled.
In reference to your request for hard data: could you please read the pdf I linked? It is short. The book I linked is longer, but provides more data as well.
What I will say is that the burden of proof is on the person claiming that invisible exogenous contagious pathogens exist, not the other way around. It is not anyones responsibility to prove that it doesn’t exist - that is preposterous. This is like if I told you that aliens were in the atmosphere beaming fields that make people in the same proximity sick, and you said interesting what proof do you have of that, and I said what proof do you have that it isn’t that? A virus has never been isolated. We have electron microscopes and can see particles smaller than a virus. It is preposterous to go on with a materialistic worldview of a physical thing and yet not be able to show it.
In terms of the number of people working on it - good luck having a career in that field if you don’t adhere to the virology cult. They are all performing the ridiculous Elders process compounded into computer simulation theory - it’s utterly ridiculous, and not scientific at all.
In terms of what makes people sick then - good question. Perhaps that could actually be addressed if we were allowed to at least question the virology cult. Btw, the title of the second book I linked is in fact “what really makes us ill”.
At this point anyone with a basic understanding of correct diet (very few people) would understand that almost everyone is poisoning themselves from the moment they wake up to the moment they go to bed. Not to mention injecting themselves with formaldehyde and aluminum and god knows what else. And not fasting, ever. People live their whole lives without ever entering ketosis. And yet we wonder why everyone is sick.
What I mentioned is that I do not have a problem with some of the tenants of a terrain theory. It has some very valid points. But there are things it still cannot explain of which I have yet to hear a reasonable answer for the questions. It does not explain the fact that there is at times an infectious agent of some type at play that the immune system is reacting to that is neither a bacteria, fungus, or a toxin. We can clearly see this through testing of specific parameters of the immune system and through genetic sequencing. Whether we want to call it a virus or not, really makes no difference. We have some pretty sophisticated testing that eliminates the usual suspects that we deal with. On occasion an infectious disease specialist may have to be called in. But by in large, the pathogens are identified. But at the same time, through lazy scientific method, the viral germ theory does not explain everything either and has been used to promote vaxxines and antiviral drugs. I do not like the fact that everyone does think germ theory explains everything and have basically quit looking for alternative streams of inquiry.
Like you, I just want an honest evaluation of the what is occurring. I have walked a tightrope for decades because I have not bought in completely to the accepted narrative. You are right in that for the most part, people make themselves sick by poor diet and bad behavior. Dis-ease does not easily overtake the healthy. Proper nutrition, which is all but neglected in most allopathic circles, is absolutely key to helping one on the road to better health. Then there is Electrosmog, toxic water, contaminated air, etc.
To be healthy requires work and unfortunately, most people do not want to do the work. That sadly is the honest truth. One of my biggest hurdles in practice was getting my patients to take responsibility for their own health rather than just waiting for a prescription. Many claimed to be interested, but in the end not that many actually took my advice and ran with it. Those that did had amazing outcomes and in many cases not only improved, but cured what was ailing them. More proof that what conditions they were suffering from were of their own making. So in a way, the public is also responsible for the system that we have. It is much easier to blame some no-see-um for what ails a person rather than take some personal responsibility in reducing their toxic burden. They would much rather take prescriptions, drink beer, eat pizza and other fast food, chow down donuts and chips, than eat anything healthy. Some people's idea of a vegetable is the GMO iceberg lettuce and the GMO unripe tomato they had on their ultimate feed-lot raised antibiotic inoculated burger with a couple of slices of adulterated bacon full of sodium nitrites. Yum.
I am not arguing with you. This board is a place for discussion. I will look at the items you sent me. I usually review things at the end of the day when I am not interrupted and can concentrate better on the material. Thank you for the links.
I really cannot say I am ready to jump on the Andy Wakefield bandwagon about viruses and am not willing to take on terrain theory completely - however, they do bring some interesting food for thought to the table. There are far too many people that work with the critters to blow off viral germ theory altogether, even though they have gotten really sloppy and lazy when it comes to doing real science. Many of the emergent infectious pathogens of the twentieth century have been manufactured and are all part of the hoax. So, what exactly have they been creating that makes people sick? I just cannot buy the theory it is completely toxins, although they may play a part. There is an infectious process at play.
Many of these people claiming terrain theory come from a variety of occupations, such as physicists, engineers, etc. They claim there is no proof of viruses, but yet they offer nothing in the way of proving their own point beyond speculation and hypothesis. So, I listen to them and reserve judgement. When I can see more hard data coming from that camp I will be more than happy to listen. But for the moment, they seem to have a small group of people that circulate these ideas among each other and actually seem just as entrenched and unmovable in their opinions and need to be right as people on the germ theory side of the argument. Some of them are actually very rude and vicious in their attacks of the other side. It does not lend much to their credibility. My thought is always to just let the evidence speak for itself. When it becomes personal, you have already lost the argument.
I do not throw the baby out with the bath water by claiming that terrain is not a factor. In everything I look for balance because somewhere between the differing end points of view lies the truth probably somewhere in the middle between germ and terrain theory. But is that not science? It is always evolving and is never settled.
In reference to your request for hard data: could you please read the pdf I linked? It is short. The book I linked is longer, but provides more data as well.
What I will say is that the burden of proof is on the person claiming that invisible exogenous contagious pathogens exist, not the other way around. It is not anyones responsibility to prove that it doesn’t exist - that is preposterous. This is like if I told you that aliens were in the atmosphere beaming fields that make people in the same proximity sick, and you said interesting what proof do you have of that, and I said what proof do you have that it isn’t that? A virus has never been isolated. We have electron microscopes and can see particles smaller than a virus. It is preposterous to go on with a materialistic worldview of a physical thing and yet not be able to show it.
In terms of the number of people working on it - good luck having a career in that field if you don’t adhere to the virology cult. They are all performing the ridiculous Elders process compounded into computer simulation theory - it’s utterly ridiculous, and not scientific at all.
In terms of what makes people sick then - good question. Perhaps that could actually be addressed if we were allowed to at least question the virology cult. Btw, the title of the second book I linked is in fact “what really makes us ill”.
At this point anyone with a basic understanding of correct diet (very few people) would understand that almost everyone is poisoning themselves from the moment they wake up to the moment they go to bed. Not to mention injecting themselves with formaldehyde and aluminum and god knows what else. And not fasting, ever. People live their whole lives without ever entering ketosis. And yet we wonder why everyone is sick.
What I mentioned is that I do not have a problem with some of the tenants of a terrain theory. It has some very valid points. But there are things it still cannot explain of which I have yet to hear a reasonable answer for the questions. It does not explain the fact that there is at times an infectious agent of some type at play that the immune system is reacting to that is neither a bacteria, fungus, or a toxin. We can clearly see this through testing of specific parameters of the immune system and through genetic sequencing. Whether we want to call it a virus or not, really makes no difference. We have some pretty sophisticated testing that eliminates the usual suspects that we deal with. On occasion an infectious disease specialist may have to be called in. But by in large, the pathogens are identified. But at the same time, through lazy scientific method, the viral germ theory does not explain everything either and has been used to promote vaxxines and antiviral drugs. I do not like the fact that everyone does think germ theory explains everything and have basically quit looking for alternative streams of inquiry.
Like you, I just want an honest evaluation of the what is occurring. I have walked a tightrope for decades because I have not bought in completely to the accepted narrative. You are right in that for the most part, people make themselves sick by poor diet and bad behavior. Dis-ease does not easily overtake the healthy. Proper nutrition, which is all but neglected in most allopathic circles, is absolutely key to helping one on the road to better health. Then there is Electrosmog, toxic water, contaminated air, etc.
To be healthy requires work and unfortunately, most people do not want to do the work. That sadly is the honest truth. One of my biggest hurdles in practice was getting my patients to take responsibility for their own health rather than just waiting for a prescription. Many claimed to be interested, but in the end not that many actually took my advice and ran with it. Those that did had amazing outcomes and in many cases not only improved, but cured what was ailing them. More proof that what conditions they were suffering from were of their own making. So in a way, the public is also responsible for the system that we have. It is much easier to blame some no-see-um for what ails a person rather than take some personal responsibility in reducing their toxic burden. They would much rather take prescriptions, drink beer, eat pizza and other fast food, chow down donuts and chips, than eat anything healthy. Some people's idea of a vegetable is the GMO iceberg lettuce and the GMO unripe tomato they had on their ultimate feed-lot raised antibiotic inoculated burger with a couple of slices of adulterated bacon full of sodium nitrites. Yum.
I am not arguing with you. This board is a place for discussion. I will look at the items you sent me. I usually review things at the end of the day when I am not interrupted and can concentrate better on the material. Thank you for the links.