I find the whole concept of EQ a little unsavoury (just like the idea of IQ) and I will explain why.
The choices we make are the best choices if we can apply the sum total of all our experiences into it. This cannot be done purely by logic or emotions.
Roughly speaking, think of IQ and EQ as the X and Y axis in a two dimensional space. Individually they are pretty useless, but even in combination they only cover 2 dimensions, whereas we have an additional dimension at our disposal.
You can call this intuition, or spirituality or spiritual intuition. When we trust this intuition, we can make the best choice and sometimes it flies against both our logic and our emotions.
All that being said, the smart people we think are getting the jab are not really smart. They are so called intellectuals, but they are not intelligent.
I find the whole concept of EQ a little unsavoury (just like the idea of IQ) and I will explain why.
The choices we make are the best choices if we can apply the sum total of all our experiences into it. This cannot be done purely by logic or emotions.
Roughly speaking, think of IQ and EQ as the X and Y axis in a two dimensional space. Individually they are pretty useless, but even in combination they only cover 2 dimensions, whereas we have an additional dimension at our disposal.
You can call this intuition, or spirituality or spiritual intuition. When we trust this intuition, we can make the best choice and sometimes it flies against both our logic and our emotions.
All that being said, the smart people we think are getting the jab are not really smart. They are so called intellectuals, but they are not intelligent.
Nice point. I like the XY axis angle (pun intended).