Can't open the first link - I tried earlier after I received it and thought I would revisit it later. Still can't get to it. The book in the second link I would have to purchase. And the last one requires me to open an account.
Dr Cowan I am already familiar with and I have seen several of his videos. He makes some really good points and in many areas I completely agree with him - but there are also areas where I disagree - and that is okay. Science is something we should continue to struggle with as we find new paths that previously were unknown. That is just the nature of discovery. In addition we must occasionally go back and take a new look at what we thought we knew. I see no problem there either.
I agree with Cowan in that our current mainstream understanding about cancer and heart disease have all for the most part been wrong and there is no incentive to change because they are some of the biggest money makers for big pharma and the medical industry. I first started down the road on rethinking cardiovascular disease due to the work of cardiologist Dr Stephan Sinatra. He wrote The Cholesterol Myth. That was an eye opener for me as it basically blew apart what mainstream medicine teaches concerning cardiovascular disease and its causes - mostly attributed to cholesterol. There has been others that have contributed to my non-mainstream understanding of disease and its causes - like Dr David Brownstein and Dr Russell Blaylock to mention a couple. I also learned a lot from Dr Richard Becker who was a family practitioner that has a great deal of knowledge about nutritional supplementation as it applies to clinical practice. It changed how I approached the use of supplements and herbals versus pharmaceuticals.
Like any other awakening, once one brick is removed from the wall that hides knowledge, and you can see the other side peeking through, you start looking for more bricks that can be removed so you can see. We are all on that journey looking to get to the other side where truth lies.
I still have to look at the people in the last link you sent. Those names don't seem familiar but that is not to say I have not run across them in my wanderings.
Can't open the first link - I tried earlier after I received it and thought I would revisit it later. Still can't get to it. The book in the second link I would have to purchase. And the last one requires me to open an account.
Dr Cowan I am already familiar with and I have seen several of his videos. He makes some really good points and in many areas I completely agree with him - but there are also areas where I disagree - and that is okay. Science is something we should continue to struggle with as we find new paths that previously were unknown. That is just the nature of discovery. In addition we must occasionally go back and take a new look at what we thought we knew. I see no problem there either.
I agree with Cowan in that our current mainstream understanding about cancer and heart disease have all for the most part been wrong and there is no incentive to change because they are some of the biggest money makers for big pharma and the medical industry. I first started down the road on rethinking cardiovascular disease due to the work of cardiologist Dr Stephan Sinatra. He wrote The Cholesterol Myth. That was an eye opener for me as it basically blew apart what mainstream medicine teaches concerning cardiovascular disease and its causes - mostly attributed to cholesterol. There has been others that have contributed to my non-mainstream understanding of disease and its causes - like Dr David Brownstein and Dr Russell Blaylock to mention a couple. I also learned a lot from Dr Richard Becker who was a family practitioner that has a great deal of knowledge about nutritional supplementation as it applies to clinical practice. It changed how I approached the use of supplements and herbals versus pharmaceuticals.
Like any other awakening, once one brick is removed from the wall that hides knowledge, and you can see the other side peeking through, you start looking for more bricks that can be removed so you can see. We are all on that journey looking to get to the other side where truth lies.
I still have to look at the people in the last link you sent. Those names don't seem familiar but that is not to say I have not run across them in my wanderings.