You could just reread my comments. But since you're acting retarded, here is my inquiry: If they aren’t interchangeable, then describe the difference in definition between “Q” and “QAnon” right now and how you knew I was referring to Q when I said “QAnon”.
If they aren’t interchangeable, then describe the difference in definition between “Q” and “QAnon” right now
This is more of a directive than a simple question, but, nonetheless, was already answered in the posting of Q Drop 4881:
There is 'Q'. 1.
There are 'Anons'. 2.
There is no 'Qanon'. 3
Media labeling as 'Qanon' is a method [deliberate] to combine [attach] 'Q' to comments _theories _suggestions _statements [and ACTIONS] made by 2.
Not all 'Anons' are authentic [injected].
And of course you went off on semantics and want to say "WeLl TecHnicALLY ThaTs Not a QueStIon!" How retardedly predictable. I imagine you turning in a blank test after the professor tells you to turn it in after answering every question, because the questions were statements like "find x" and "solve (equation)". It's like you're a complete alien to human communication.
You literally didn't answer the question, you just effectively said "one exists and the other doesn't" instead of offering a definition that makes then non-interchangeable. Did you forget the second part to that question, or are you afraid to answer it because you know it makes you look retarded?
So if there is no "QAnon" how did you know who I was referring to when I said QAnon? Why weren't you completely and utterly confused about who I was speaking of if they aren't interchangeable and QAnon doesn't exist?
This is one of the most severe displays of cognitive dissonance I've seen from here. You say that QAnon does not exist, and assert that "Q" and "QAnon" are not interchangeable terms and have entirely different meanings (which even you refuse to attempt to differentiate). Yet, when I say "QAnon" you know EXACTLY who I am referring to as if I had just INTERCHANGED the term with "Q".
It's amazing. I hold it to your face and you still double down on retarded semantics as if you think it will get you anywehere. No wonder you get so triggered by me using the word "cult", because your behavior is a perfect example of cult-like behavior and you have no way of proving otherwise.
Sounds like you don’t understand it at all. You can’t do anything but quote a Q post and swear that it makes you right. I’m sorry if anyone ever talks to you asking about Q.
You could just reread my comments. But since you're acting retarded, here is my inquiry: If they aren’t interchangeable, then describe the difference in definition between “Q” and “QAnon” right now and how you knew I was referring to Q when I said “QAnon”.
This is more of a directive than a simple question, but, nonetheless, was already answered in the posting of Q Drop 4881:
There is 'Q'. 1.
There are 'Anons'. 2.
There is no 'Qanon'. 3 Media labeling as 'Qanon' is a method [deliberate] to combine [attach] 'Q' to comments _theories _suggestions _statements [and ACTIONS] made by 2. WHAT HAPPENS WHEN YOU CANNOT ATTACK THE INFORMATION [primary source 1]? DO YOU ATTACK [& TYPECAST] THROUGH USE OF OTHERS? Not all 'Anons' are authentic [injected].
There is 1; There is 2; There is no 3
And of course you went off on semantics and want to say "WeLl TecHnicALLY ThaTs Not a QueStIon!" How retardedly predictable. I imagine you turning in a blank test after the professor tells you to turn it in after answering every question, because the questions were statements like "find x" and "solve (equation)". It's like you're a complete alien to human communication.
You literally didn't answer the question, you just effectively said "one exists and the other doesn't" instead of offering a definition that makes then non-interchangeable. Did you forget the second part to that question, or are you afraid to answer it because you know it makes you look retarded?
So if there is no "QAnon" how did you know who I was referring to when I said QAnon? Why weren't you completely and utterly confused about who I was speaking of if they aren't interchangeable and QAnon doesn't exist?
This is one of the most severe displays of cognitive dissonance I've seen from here. You say that QAnon does not exist, and assert that "Q" and "QAnon" are not interchangeable terms and have entirely different meanings (which even you refuse to attempt to differentiate). Yet, when I say "QAnon" you know EXACTLY who I am referring to as if I had just INTERCHANGED the term with "Q".
It's amazing. I hold it to your face and you still double down on retarded semantics as if you think it will get you anywehere. No wonder you get so triggered by me using the word "cult", because your behavior is a perfect example of cult-like behavior and you have no way of proving otherwise.
I didn't make the definition.
Q Drop 4881 makes the definition. It is clear and does not need my additional commentary.
Sounds like you don’t understand it at all. You can’t do anything but quote a Q post and swear that it makes you right. I’m sorry if anyone ever talks to you asking about Q.