You are safe.
THEY are terrified.
Sleep well, Patriot.
You elected us to keep you safe.
We will not fail.
/GA/ will change.
Notification will be made.
Where we go one, we go all.
The question the post was response to was about communication. /GA/ was a board on Reddit before they started to censor and Q suggested voat (2 boards: QRV for research and GA - Great Awakening), ... until the deep State threatened the admins and they closed the voat so we moved here.
I just wonder if I’ll be alive when it ends
what do you think is /GA/?
The question the post was response to was about communication. /GA/ was a board on Reddit before they started to censor and Q suggested voat (2 boards: QRV for research and GA - Great Awakening), ... until the deep State threatened the admins and they closed the voat so we moved here.
There's a much deeper reason VOAT was shut down on Christmas day: Racine
u/TrustTheTruth has tons of info on this, the rabbit hole goes insanely deep
click on the link above and go through their post history...