I hear stories of people saying "Our company is 100% vaxxed" and I can't help but think it is all lies. I 100% doubt every poll ever published in the last 50 years, and I am certain that the data that says X number of people in the US got vaxxed is a complete fraud.
I would not be surprised to hear that a lot of people who died from Covid were really cops or health care workers who got shot for trying to force people to do things they shouldn't have been forcing people to do.
Oh yea. I don't believe any of the numbers thrown at me anymore. I think they just pull them out of their ass to appear strong and to try and coerce who they can. That is why their intimidation is getting stronger. Because what they say is not working.
I have even started to question the whole 8 billion people thing. I mean, they lie about everything, why would that be the truth?
For your second point, I know they were counting pretty much whatever they wanted as a "covid death." Cancer, heart attacks, motorcycle accidents, etc. That's why when you look at the data there was no rise in global death rates during this "super scary scamdemic." Sorry I don't have sauce for that. I have seen it several times though.
I also know that if they bust down my door and try to hold me down to inject what I don't want in me, all of us are gonna die. I think they know that too, that's why they rely so much on psychological warfare and trying to isolate people from each other.
no one at my company ever actually asked for proof of vaccination, although they also havent required it, just recommended. whatever list my company has is 100% fairy dust because people just lie.
I hear stories of people saying "Our company is 100% vaxxed" and I can't help but think it is all lies. I 100% doubt every poll ever published in the last 50 years, and I am certain that the data that says X number of people in the US got vaxxed is a complete fraud.
I would not be surprised to hear that a lot of people who died from Covid were really cops or health care workers who got shot for trying to force people to do things they shouldn't have been forcing people to do.
Oh yea. I don't believe any of the numbers thrown at me anymore. I think they just pull them out of their ass to appear strong and to try and coerce who they can. That is why their intimidation is getting stronger. Because what they say is not working.
I have even started to question the whole 8 billion people thing. I mean, they lie about everything, why would that be the truth?
For your second point, I know they were counting pretty much whatever they wanted as a "covid death." Cancer, heart attacks, motorcycle accidents, etc. That's why when you look at the data there was no rise in global death rates during this "super scary scamdemic." Sorry I don't have sauce for that. I have seen it several times though.
I also know that if they bust down my door and try to hold me down to inject what I don't want in me, all of us are gonna die. I think they know that too, that's why they rely so much on psychological warfare and trying to isolate people from each other.
no one at my company ever actually asked for proof of vaccination, although they also havent required it, just recommended. whatever list my company has is 100% fairy dust because people just lie.