This thread is causing anguish to some while resonating with a lot more people.
I humbly request people who want to respond to this to read this fully.
I will start off saying that while OP (u/GoingCamaro) raises very valid point about this movement being a worldwide movement and when the Awakening happens a lot of people will be in deep shock because their world view is black and white just like a lot of normies.
However, I do believe this post would have better resonated with everyone if it acknowledged and empathised with the fact that white people have been targeted and demonised and "racism" has been weaponised for way too long.
I also believe that those people getting triggered by this post are not necessarily racist. Infact, I would go so far as to say most are not racists. I think the real triggering aspect is the fact that the entire mainstream has been against them for so long and this post happens to call out white people wanting to isolate themselves very specifically.
OP has pointed out very well that a lot of problems such as higher crime rate in ethnic communities are actually caused by the Cabal and these communities are in fact victims of the Cabal as well. I agree with this wholeheartedly. We have to always see who the real enemy is, and the tools used by enemy are not our enemy. They are our brothers and sisters who hopefully will Awaken soon.
However, OP specifically called out white people wanting to isolate themselves into their own community, equating it to racism - without similarly acknowledging that this is caused by the Cabal as well, and they are as much the victims of Cabal's divide and conquer as the ethnic communities we talked about before. I think this was a great omission causing a lot of heartache.
As a person of color who has experienced racism in 3 continents myself, I have no hesitation in saying racism is much like "Qanon" a divisive term coined by the media that serves no real purpose.
What most people refer to as "racism" is actually "racial prejudice" - and it's a very natural thing, because we evolved as tribal beings. Most of the times just being exposed to interactions with members of different "races" is enough to take away the prejudices. Some prejudices cannot be helped. I myself has prejudices against my own race and I work hard to ensure I don't perpetuate the very same myself.
Does racial prejudice justify anyone from hurting any person based on their skin color? Absolutely not. However, is it a crime to think of different set of people differently? No, it's natural and is reflected by the sum total of our experiences. I always keep wishing that people of my own race behave themselves better setting up a better stereotype as more people interact with them.
Also, let me be clear - I respect the choices of any people wanting to isolate themselves, its part of freedom of expression, as long as they dont hurt or needlessly allow others to be hurt. I would love them the same as I love any other human being in this world, and I understand why sometimes communities thrive when there is a common cultural foundation.
I guarantee that most people who want to isolate themselves would actually prefer to be with others who share their world views regardless of their skin color, especially post Awakening, once the divisive effects of the Cabal is removed from the equation.
I sincerely thank GoingCamaro for creating that thread and appreciate their intention, even though the execution could have been better ;)
I am going to lock that thread since I think it has run its course.
I agree but the problem with your suggestion is the 1st amendment but it is also the most critical piece of our foundation. Bit of a conundrum.
You have been misled by leftist and even "right wing" talking heads, or perhaps by individuals who listened to them.
The 1st amendment prevents the establishment of a particular state religion to protect both the practitioners (forced compliance) and belief system from government influence over doctrine. It does not prevent teaching general Christian ethics rather than the utilitarian and postmodernist moral relativism we have now. Christian ethics including Bible study were taught in public schools!
Consider Mr. Fisher Ames of Massachusetts, who provided the wording for the First Amendment passed by the House of Representatives. He would certainly know the intent of that amendment, yet he never used the phrase "separation of church and state." Rather, he called for the Bible always to remain the primary textbook in America's classroom: "Why... should not the Bible regain the place it once held as a school book? Its morals are pure, its examples captivating and noble. The reverence for the sacred book that is thus early impressed lasts long; and, probably, if not impressed in infancy, never takes firm hold of the mind."
what I mean is that freedom of religion allows for equal footing for all how can Christianity be the dominant religion or culture without it being implemented by the state? bc sooner or later someone from some other religion will say..... well why is the bible the only thing being taught?
Freedom of religion allows for all religions to be practiced by the people, not to be taught equally by the government as ethically/morally correct. Imagine having to be spend equal time on satanist or molech ethics...
Yes, the state as part of public schools will have to spend some time determining what constitutes "general Christian ethics" or at least ethics in alignment with Christian beliefs but you can't replace ethics with nothing! A school without some kind ethics at all is anarchy and leads to the morally bankrupt society we have now where cheating is fine, lying is fine, what you "feel" is true is fine, and so on because there is no backing "why" for the students on why they should follow these things.
Secularists (I expect driven by the cabal) have argued this conflation and taken advantage of the confusion to take God out of the equation. When you do that, you are obscuring the truth, and it impacts all other parts of education.
I'm actually not opposed to large religions or religious books being taught in school but they should not be given equal weight to ethics. We should hold firm to Christian ethics because we legitimately believe they result in the best outcomes for human living.
I am not opposed either but imagine when the satanist wants their fair share of the pie.....hence...conundrum...
Well said