Some people are getting upset when I ask them for real evidence that Betty White was some type of evil witch.
I don’t worship Betty White despite the fact that she was a nice old lady and a comic genius.
I’m trying to defend this community from disinformation.
Disinformation is often comes in the form of a planted discrediting campaign. A good example of that is the flat earth campaign. Somebody spent a lot of money trying to create the idea that ALL conspiracy theorists believe that the earth is flat.
If Left-wing media organizations can plant the false narrative that all of us here at believe that “Betty White is the Satanic queen of Hollywood” most people are not going to believe it, because there’s no legitimate evidence for that.
Once they’ve created the narrative that all Trump followers are delusional then the Normie’s can ignore every single legitimate piece of evidence that we present to them. It’s called poisoning the well. Once you pour just a little bit of poison into the well of then no one is going to drink anymore water from this site.
Normie thinking: “Those people believe that Betty White is a Satanist therefore when they tell me that Joe Biden is a serial sex abuser, I don’t have to pay attention to that at all.”
I thought that Betty White was an amusing comic actress. I don’t worship her. You can go through my posting history before last week and I never ever mentioned her. And there is also nothing suspicious about her that’s ever been posted about her here until after she died.
So I want you to dig really hard and give me the legitimate, legally valid evidence that Betty White was the satanic queen of Hollywood. If you don’t have any legitimate evidence shut the f-ck up.
P.S. Black eyes, off-color jokes and resemblances between old ladies are not valid legitimate, legal forms of evidence.
I don't think that anyone owes anyone absolute proof of anything. This isn't a criminal court of law with a "beyond a reasonable doubt" standard and she's not going to jail because of our observations. People are just pointing out that there are a number of odd coincidences surrounding this woman that happen to coincide with the odd symbols we see throughout the Hollywood world. It is what it is.
Like the "one eye" pictures so many elites are in, plausible theories include that some people are just told to put one hand over their eye by the photographer. I tend to believe that's probably true, and not every Hollywood type we see do that even knows what that potentially means.
Betty White for me is a "jury is out" situation. I make no apology to you or anyone else for noticing that she is surrounded by some pretty weird shit. Do I know for sure what it means? No. But I suspect it means something.
If you make a claim and can't bring the receipts, you're just stating an opinion. Which is fine for idea sharing, but if you are trying to convince someone of something, bring the proof.
With this, however I agree that it's not necessary. It changes nothing one way or the other. At this point until the Q team releases something, it's all speculation. We can only go on what we know and as OP said she was mostly a sweet old lady and comic genius. I hope she's clean, but hope is not evidence. As far as we know she is "dead" but at the same time her "death" could all have been part of the plan. Dead at 99, 17 days before the big 100 of "natural causes". Again, I have no pull one way or the other on this one.
No the cover-up is that Betty was likely was killed by a Covid vaccine booster.
But no one’s talking about that because are too busy speculating on how she may have been a satanic queen.
There can be more than one right answer. But to disagree with the speculation does NOT make you right. No one is making you click on posts and I know this will be hard to hear, but... this isn't YOUR site. It's a community site. You are more than welcome to go start your own dot win community and tailor it to your liking.
There’s a difference between some speculation and putting up a post where someone claims that “they are 100% sure that Betty White was the sister of Barbara Bush”.
That is what somebody did a couple days ago and it pissed me off. They did not ask a question. The original poster stated as a proven fact that they were sisters.
Later on, the reason the OP gave for their “factual statement” was that “they looked very similar”. You know, because old grey haired ladies never look alike.