We were finally able to move to a ranch we bought and lost our internet..sure miss monkeywerx and salty cracker. Our local cafe has become my new internet source and it's 20 miles away from our property. Wouldn't change a thing though.
Sounds wonderful!! Do you have two way radio in case SHTF? We’re preppers and I’m at people here all the time to get some ESSENTIALS stored up. To tell you the truth, we haven’t watched Monkeywerx in awhile, but it’s time to touch base again. When The Great Awakening goes down, you will have all the Internet and free energy you will need. We have been watching many different series where mid 1800s that had electricity. There are pictures of huge towns illuminated, of videos of moving walkways. Think Tesla. There was a reason why castles and churches etc, like your Eiffel Tower type structures- even in America - had spires. At a certain height people were able to tap into energy in the atmosphere. The globalists have either repurposed these buildings into churches or torn the towers down. In fact we watched a video only yesterday of a building in the middle of Montana in the middle of nowhere where there was one of these towers. And 45 has a connection to Tesla via his Uncle.. GodBless
We were finally able to move to a ranch we bought and lost our internet..sure miss monkeywerx and salty cracker. Our local cafe has become my new internet source and it's 20 miles away from our property. Wouldn't change a thing though.
Sounds wonderful!! Do you have two way radio in case SHTF? We’re preppers and I’m at people here all the time to get some ESSENTIALS stored up. To tell you the truth, we haven’t watched Monkeywerx in awhile, but it’s time to touch base again. When The Great Awakening goes down, you will have all the Internet and free energy you will need. We have been watching many different series where mid 1800s that had electricity. There are pictures of huge towns illuminated, of videos of moving walkways. Think Tesla. There was a reason why castles and churches etc, like your Eiffel Tower type structures- even in America - had spires. At a certain height people were able to tap into energy in the atmosphere. The globalists have either repurposed these buildings into churches or torn the towers down. In fact we watched a video only yesterday of a building in the middle of Montana in the middle of nowhere where there was one of these towers. And 45 has a connection to Tesla via his Uncle.. GodBless