posted ago by JackieDaytona74 ago by JackieDaytona74 +65 / -1

Many of you are familiar with the work of doctors Sucharit Bhakdi and Arne Burkhardt in regards to research on the effects of the Corona Virus "vaccines".

They recently published a paper, and a string of subsequent events has added credence to that paper.

The paper is posted here: https://doctors4covidethics.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/12/end-covax.pdf

EX-Pfizer VP Mike Yeardon saw the paper and forwarded this video on the paper to Steve Kirsch, a man I know many of you are familiar with for his excellent writing on the covid "vaccine" subject. The video can be found here: https://www.bitchute.com/video/fHIT55iM4Zv9/

Steve Kirsch subsequently wrote an article on the subject and reached out to an unnamed scientist for his comments on the study. The Kirsch article can be found here: https://stevekirsch.substack.com/p/bhakdiburkhardt-pathology-results/

I remember talking to my son early in the summer on one of our nightly walks with our dogs. I confided in him about my fear that the "vaccines" could be a mass population reduction scheme, and that I prayed to God that they weren't and were simply being used as a control mechanism by a tyrannical cabal. I know many of you have held the same fears. But at the time, we had far more limited data than we do now.

This is still not conclusive fact, but this study is another very large step towards a reality where five years from now, 30% of us are struggling to maintain the country's infrastructure while caring for the remaining vaccinated who aren't dead but who are unable to work due to serious health problems.

Frens, I am shook to my core tonight. It's one thing to cautiously speculate worst-case scenarios. It's another to see hard data supporting that worst-case scenario.

My wife, son and one of my two business partners are Purebloods. Almost everyone else in my life is vaccinated. Family, friends, colleagues. I wonder what kind of world we'll be living in 5 years from now.

Fight. Pray.