Such a daft take, excuse me for being blunt. You fake it because then it definitely happens. Doing a real one has all sorts of unpredictability, not least you have to find a killer with a steady aim that has a reason to be there, whereas with a fake one you only need someone who has a reason to be there and be willing to act as if for money. There are more money hungry people than stone cold killers in the cohort of people that have a reason to be there.
Much easier to fake than do for real.
All they had to do is tell the cops that there's a security risk, that there might be armed gunmen in the crowd etc. Let them know that lethal force is justified, and the rest will happen organically. No conspiracy necessary. If there's one thing our cops are good at, is paranoia and a hair trigger.
Such a daft take, excuse me for being blunt. You fake it because then it definitely happens. Doing a real one has all sorts of unpredictability, not least you have to find a killer with a steady aim that has a reason to be there, whereas with a fake one you only need someone who has a reason to be there and be willing to act as if for money. There are more money hungry people than stone cold killers in the cohort of people that have a reason to be there. Much easier to fake than do for real.
All they had to do is tell the cops that there's a security risk, that there might be armed gunmen in the crowd etc. Let them know that lethal force is justified, and the rest will happen organically. No conspiracy necessary. If there's one thing our cops are good at, is paranoia and a hair trigger.