When someone has dedicated an action to combat a response to fear, people who question that action will become targets of outrage because the underpinning fear still exists. It is impossible to rollback time to undo the action
I am grateful to the message Dune sent: FEAR IS THE MIND KILLER and a part of me knew during the lockdown and watching the responses of my elderly peer group at the 'seniors hour' at the Safeway across the street as they filed in in groups of five, following the arrows and maintaining "social distancing" that all this mumbo jumbo would not give them safety because they had lost their freedoms that day.
I continued to watch in amazement at the trickle down tyranny beseting my simple world, and refused to do the futile protocols since they did not place biohazard containers for used masks and gloves. Masks litter the landscape now, only to be washed into storm drains..
When someone has dedicated an action to combat a response to fear, people who question that action will become targets of outrage because the underpinning fear still exists. It is impossible to rollback time to undo the action
I am grateful to the message Dune sent: FEAR IS THE MIND KILLER and a part of me knew during the lockdown and watching the responses of my elderly peer group at the 'seniors hour' at the Safeway across the street as they filed in in groups of five, following the arrows and maintaining "social distancing" that all this mumbo jumbo would not give them safety because they had lost their freedoms that day.
I continued to watch in amazement at the trickle down tyranny beseting my simple world, and refused to do the futile protocols since they did not place biohazard containers for used masks and gloves. Masks litter the landscape now, only to be washed into storm drains..