Hmmm, the problem is, that is too obvious. Could it be the 9th, 12th? I've heard Trump signed the IA on various different days after Jan. 6th and before Jan. 20th. I guess we only have to wait 2 more weeks to find anything out... 2 ... moar... weaks...
...EXACTLY correct fren, esp. 1 yr. delta on the foreign occupation. Jan 20 is the day
Hmmm, the problem is, that is too obvious. Could it be the 9th, 12th? I've heard Trump signed the IA on various different days after Jan. 6th and before Jan. 20th. I guess we only have to wait 2 more weeks to find anything out... 2 ... moar... weaks...
Is it 1 year after the signing of the act, or the "official" transition of power