Two people in my small circle are having a cognitive issue from covid. Neither vaxxed so cant blame it on that. One was following the ivernmectin protocol. One wasnt. Both seem to have altzeimer/dementia symptoms. Both in their early 70s. Both happened during the illness. Both perfectly fine mentally before. Both have undergone mri/ct scans with no problems found. One has been dealing with it unsuccessfully for 18 months. The other since right before Christmas. Im wondering if anybody has come across this side effect or have found any resources of what might help. Thank you guys!
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My father 84 2x vaxxed and booster person … he was in fine physical health in late October - took the booster early Nov 2021 and sadly he’s gone off the ‘a cliff’ - his short term memory is gone … he shuffles instead of walking now, he can no longer manage his complex medication schedule (including insulin) and now it turns out he has liver damage… came out of no where! The guy was a strong Irish man / slowing down the last few years - but totally w/it; living alone … now we are scrambling to arrange for assisted living / nursing care …. This is NOT a coincidence…. This is murder !