So Trump released starements this morning from Save America. Listed below is the last paragraph that has the word theirs which looks like a typo or misspelling.
Could theirs be a comm for the irs or a follow the money sign?
"The Democrats want to own this day of January 6th so they can stoke fears and divide America. I say, let them have it because America sees through theirs lies and polarizations."
I was looking at Pompeo's twitter and the tinestamp references a Q post about misspellings matter...
Mike Pompeo @mikepompeo
In order to continue building on the success of the Abraham Accords, the United States must continue its unwavering commitment to Israel.
10:41 AM · Jan 6, 2022
Q post 1141 (advancing 1041 timestamp one hour for ET)
Coincidence? Has the error been corrected? Why not? Q
1015000 Misspellings matter. Q
That is going off of this post. I was not watching DWAC at the time. I don't know how to access the order books (it takes a Market Maker account I think, though there might be an app somewhere)..
When I'm going to buy something I watch the orders come in in real time, but DWAC wasn't open for me at the time (almost all of my DWAC shares are DWACW; I was watching that). By the time I saw the post that order would have come in past what my app displays.
It would be nice to get a better confirmation of that information.
It's called level 2 market data. You have to be a trader and get a live subscription in your trading platform. I used it a lot for day trading during the summer. Legally I don't think its allowed to be streamed out to others.
Maybe some slightly outdated info is out there.