Ted Cruz's recent "coming out as a RINO party" was instructive. What did Q say? FOLLOW THE WIVES. Where does Ted's wife work? Goldman Sachs—the GOLD STANDARD when it comes to deep state flacks. What did we learn? There are no white hats/black hats in DC. THERE IS ONLY 'LEVERAGE.'

Clif High on his interview with Patel said that he doesn't like the term "white hats" because it confers a sort of moral purity on behalf of those fighting the cabal which is why he preferred the term "Self Organized Collective". And I'm inclined to agree. I think that there are certainly at least some of these actors who are true patriots doing this because it's simply the right thing to do, but I think the majority of people pushing back against the cabal are doing so because it's in their best interest (whether because they flipped as part of a deal, a financial incentive, or whether they have an axe to grind with the deepstate.)
Granted I have some reservations about him, but I think he's right on the money about this.
But it's not that simple, which is the whole point. If some former deepstate lackey who's guilty of some serious crimes and is currently fighting the deepstate after flipping, does that make them a "good guy"? The world isn't as simple as some marvel superhero movie.
Black hat and white hat refers to magic, its actually a term from a movement very similar to GAW before Q, it was just much smaller and much deeper rabbit holes.
The reservation I have is he sounds like many of the "pseudo-intellectuals" we come across all the time. A lot like Scott Adams. Both of them try to distill all their ideas into logic, and they dont realise they miss a huge chunk of reality when they do that, and its prone to confirmation bias.
I think the term "White Hat" is very relevant, and must be applied to only those who have been doing their part in fighting the Cabal all their lives - not someone who was forced to switch sides.