Ted Cruz's recent "coming out as a RINO party" was instructive. What did Q say? FOLLOW THE WIVES. Where does Ted's wife work? Goldman Sachs—the GOLD STANDARD when it comes to deep state flacks. What did we learn? There are no white hats/black hats in DC. THERE IS ONLY 'LEVERAGE.'

But it's not that simple, which is the whole point. If some former deepstate lackey who's guilty of some serious crimes and is currently fighting the deepstate after flipping, does that make them a "good guy"? The world isn't as simple as some marvel superhero movie.
Okay, let's put aside the flipped for a moment then. Do you not think that with an operation as big as this, with requiring many people from many countries that some of them may not have selfish reasons for fighting back against the deepstate? I guarantee you for example that there are Chinese assets assisting Q that may be doing that because it benefits the CCP or themselves to do so and not because they're doing it out of a love for humanity.
Now I believe Q and those closely associated with Q are doing it for noble reasons, I'm just suggesting that in the larger scheme of things that it's much more nuanced than that. If you disagree that's fine but I do think you're missing out on a much more comprehensive understanding of what's occurring by ignoring the nuance of it.
I suppose if by "white hats" people are solely referring to Q and nobody else then sure, perhaps that term is fitting. In any case we can agree to disagree on this matter as it ultimately isn't the most important issue at hand.
Short term we call them white hats. After it's over, reevaluate
Are you Knight Errant from Youtube?
Negative, I use a different profile name on YT.