There was a video before..recent entertainment tonight I think about Valerie Bertinelli last words from Eddie that toward end was about Betty white and how her death affected her then the talking heads mentioned food network airing vals show episodes w Betty as Guest airing. The female said.."I hope they made HOTDOGS they are Betty's favorite.
My skin crawled. Maybe nothing but shit.....creepy.
“weLL tHeRE iS No pROfF shE waS tHe ILlUminAtTi sAtAnIC QUeEN” - shill lemmings with hope still left in their hearts for a clean side to Hollyweird
Well.... that's creepy
There was a video before..recent entertainment tonight I think about Valerie Bertinelli last words from Eddie that toward end was about Betty white and how her death affected her then the talking heads mentioned food network airing vals show episodes w Betty as Guest airing. The female said.."I hope they made HOTDOGS they are Betty's favorite. My skin crawled. Maybe nothing but shit.....creepy.
Yea she was always high up in the cabal
To what end...? Sometimes 17 just represent a counted number...
She'd kidding, I hope.