Leaked Airline Memos: Majority of Employees With Omicron are Vaxxed, Healthy Pilots Offered More Pay to Cover Shifts. FAIL HARDER, AIRLINES!
🤢 Omichronic stupidity! 🤮
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Hearing how they all say the same crap, word for word... makes me suspicious TPTB are already using some 'injected remote' on them
I see it as a coping mechanism.
Their savior vaccine failed to protect them and they can't handle this truth so they all turn to the uniform narrative supplied by the MSM.
That's exactly what it is. Spot on.
What happens when they are on the 10th time they get sick with Covid? Are they still happy they were vaccinated? We all need to be brave enough to look them in the eyes and say, hmmm, funny thing is, I'm not vaxed and I have never gotten the virus.