Information is a little hard to find this far from the incident especially as some of the information has deteriorated, but the gist I get is, bioweapons were intercepted on Feb 4, 2019 in a hot and urgent operation before they could be deployed on Los Angeles.
The address was 1138 Wilshire Blvd # 300, Los Angeles, CA 90017, United States, and the building listed is "Guatemalan Trade Center", but apparently it's an abandoned building slated for demolition. I tried looking it up and found this summary (not it only describes the Black Hawk extraction and not the Little Birds):
Some of you may have heard about the urban warfare training operations being conducted by the Army in Los Angeles and in Long Beach, California.
Dramatic cellphone footage was captured of a large Black Hawk helicopter landing in the middle of Downtown LA on Wilshire Boulevard, near the corner of Lucas. Uploaded by RedPill78, the video shows ten people dressed in hazmat suits exiting the building and running towards the Black Hawk, carrying two heavy objects.
RedPill78 reports that the non-descript building located at 1138 Wilshire Blvd. was leased to Eduardo Sanchez from the Guatemalan House of Culture but it appeared vacant. The building’s owner is listed as Thomas Girardi, the name of the lawyer currently representing the infamous NXIVM sex cult, whose members included sisters, Sarah and Clare Bronfman of the Canadian billionaire family.
NXIVM was known to have operations in Guatemala and the Guatemalan House of Culture also had a branch in Albany, NY which is the location of NXIVM HQ. In addition, a few days prior to this raid, a DOJ plane had been sent to Guatemala. Coincidence?
Followers of Twitter user, MilSpec Ops Monkey, have been able to photograph evidence at the scene that the building was breached (shattered glass and window frames and fresh plywood covering the windows). There is also footage of the Black Hawk being decontaminated afterwards.
As a personal note, I have two retired military friends who don’t know each other but who each know more details about this secret operation and whose sources cannot comment in detail. The LAPD has been gagged about this series of events. We will keep an eye on it.
I looked further and found another video recording the opening phase of the operation, depicting troops rappelling down into the nearby streets and
breaching explosions:
The "LA Drill" Was Not A Drill -- Military "Extracted" Biological Warfare / Dirty Bomb
Summary. Special ops military rolled up in wheels, and the vehicles left. They
explosively accessed a building (s) and then explosively accessed an interior space.
Their target was so "high value" that transporting it through the streets of LA was unacceptable. As in the bad guys could have re-acquired the target and used it.
Suspected bio-warfare device, as this neighborhood is covered with medical industries and treatment centers, so a "release" has some plausible deniability.
Wow --- for some reason I decided that pursuing this story was important. And let me lay it all down now. This all wraps in the Deep State, Adam Schiff, Pedophillia, the "Standard Hotel", and Q from early 2018, Guatemala, CIA Funding, and the startup of the Clinton Foundation in 1999.
The Standard Hotel is just blocks away from the "Raid" at Wilshire Blvd.
The "sanctioned media" covered the dog and pony show "drills" over Long Beach. That is the distraction part.
Sorry folks, this is messy and ongoing. I am a photographer, and have some special tools that can do quite a lot, and some simple tools that can do great things quickly. I wish I could enhance the whole best video, , which is at the far bottom......but don't think I own the tool and never tried. But I can enhance some screen captures from the video. These are "white suits" leaving the buildings and loading the helicopters.
I am adding information to the top of this story. If you want the MEAT, read downward too.
Bottom line....this was not a drill. It was in a medical research district in which seems 6 rooftop landing pads within blocks.....and right across the highway, blocks away, the main financial district of LA.
A large Wells Fargo building is right across the street. Odd that Wells Fargo had such a huge computer outage recently.
Throwing this in at top. One of the 2 buildings at the extraction site, both owned by Giardi, was the Guatamalan House of Culture. I wonder how many "kids" are transported from Guatamala into USA and for what use?
Get it? Big Money and Big Medical right there. Here is some perspective of where this Raid/Extraction went down.
Some videos showed and played sound of multiple explosions. But do we know they are in the same place? I mean local CBS was pimping out the "training exercises" around LA and Long Beach. Well the video below matches the picture above, showing the blast against the Wells Fargo glass walls. The blast could have been at Wells Fargo and double reflected. The second blast, at around 46 second, does not show any exterior blast shine. In other words, they are inside the building, and they are breaching yet another interior containment.
A nay-sayer at VOAT stated that the building was boarded up approximately 4 years ago (with no indication on how he estimates age of a Google Earth picture. So I grabbed this one on my own, fresh from GE. Closed in this picture, but definitely not "boarded up"
Here is an old Yelp page on a prior occupant - Wilshire Cafe
I was not able to confirm the link between the explosive breach location and the next door lawyer firm Girardi and Allison Mack of the Sex Cult "fame" and trial.
The LA "Drill" was not a drill. If MSM reports it as a drill, ears up, find the misdirection.
They would not conduct a drill in a populated area, flying multiple helicopters into a city street with tall palm trees on the roadway. There are mock up areas on military bases for conducting all type of "urban warfare" training. An accident, if this was a drill, would be a career ending maneuver.
See picture below, building(s) were forcibly breached.
I'll put the video at the far bottom. Crews of people in apparently white uniforms (hazmat suits?) removed things and maybe people from the building(s). What was so important that they couldn't just drive up, and drive out?
Because they couldn't risk their "acquired package" "going off" or being intercepted while driving through LA.
My first thoughts were a bio-weapon, or a bio-weaponized person. My intuition, sorry to be non-humble, is beyond spectacular.
The white suits, travelled off with the helicopters. They were extracted, after some mission
And the P-8A Poseidon circling on Feb 4. The P8 replaces the old Turboprop P3, its job can be many, but coordination of other aircraft in a strike force is one of them. (Electronic survelliance, including video)
There is some controversy over the address of the building, although an address can be seen clearly in this Google street view shot. (1138 Wilshire.)
The building was forcibly breached, and boarded up as shown by eye-witness photos below.
A connection with Girardi Law Firm which is at 1126 Wilshire? The next building over from the "Guatamala House of Culture"
Girardi is "ambulance chasing" California wildfire victims. But do you know who else they represent? Allison Mack or the NXIVM Sex Cult.
Allison Mack appeared in Court in NY Feb 6
Military drills announced by CBS for Feb 4 to 9
The "Helicopter Video" at far bottom is reported to be from Feb 4.
This video shows a helo hovering near the edge of a building, and some apparent explosion sounds, and flashes from the blasts. I "re-cover" this video above, it's important, and the flash bang is off the Wells Fargo building on the street of the breach.
Meanwhile, a P-8 Poseidon circled over the area at the same time:
The cover story by CBS ( was that drills between Law enforcement and Military was being conducted for the period of Feb 4-9, 2019. However, the consensus among the people who have looked deeper into all of this is that these are in no way drills, not with the kind of manoeuvres that they pulled off.
Paging u/Donaldsweiner as this post would be hidden by thread length.
I remember this...anyone have a link?
Video of extraction without commentary:
Edit: Earlier video with explosions:
Separate post here:
Wtf was that. Do we know the cross streets? What building was that?
Answered here (posted as reply one-level-down as the thread is now too long).
EDIT: I made a separate post here:
Information is a little hard to find this far from the incident especially as some of the information has deteriorated, but the gist I get is, bioweapons were intercepted on Feb 4, 2019 in a hot and urgent operation before they could be deployed on Los Angeles.
The address was 1138 Wilshire Blvd # 300, Los Angeles, CA 90017, United States, and the building listed is "Guatemalan Trade Center", but apparently it's an abandoned building slated for demolition. I tried looking it up and found this summary (not it only describes the Black Hawk extraction and not the Little Birds):
I looked further and found another video recording the opening phase of the operation, depicting troops rappelling down into the nearby streets and breaching explosions:
This I found from this page here, whose photos and media have all been lost due to webpage deterioration.
Meanwhile, a P-8 Poseidon circled over the area at the same time:
The cover story by CBS ( was that drills between Law enforcement and Military was being conducted for the period of Feb 4-9, 2019. However, the consensus among the people who have looked deeper into all of this is that these are in no way drills, not with the kind of manoeuvres that they pulled off.
Paging u/Donaldsweiner as this post would be hidden by thread length.