Been looking for a house for when I move my family back home from Korea, I really don't want to get into a super expensive house with the world the way it is. I want to live in a red state, with very few people and I love the mountains... the job market doesn't really matter to me as I own an online business and work from home, I do need decent internet.
I never thought about WV as a place to move to, but looking at some of the houses there seems to be some very decent houses for really cheap, I'm guessing the job market there sucks... but a few of these houses I could buy outright with what would be a down payment anywhere else.
Most of my family is in Charlotte, NC so it's not too too far, just curious about what it is like there.
Sounds idyllic. Being close to family is good or even being able to get to them quickly. I’m in Australia. The MAIN thing that affected me during lockdowns was the way the globalists carved off areas and locked them down. Our council area would not allow travel just 10klms down the road. They limited travel. My daughter was separated from us for 4 months. She lived 12 klms away. She had no visitors, she worked from home (gov. Employee) and had to order her food online and have it delivered. She could go out but you had an hour to shop. So in saying all that, family close by and not separated by hours travel. You just don’t know what these mongrels will do next. If my wonderful Mum was alive, she would not have coped. While we didn’t live far - these boundaries they imposed reminded me of East and West Berlin. They came up overnight. To think of her being alone, in a small village with no shop, not able to drive or me being there to take her to the drs. etc. sends chills down my spine. Sorry to be so down, but when you live thru it, you think of things on how to change your current situation so you don’t have to live thru it again. We are in the process of moving our daughter much closer. We installed RING, but a single young women is a target in those lockdown situations.
The Australian tree needs a watering.
Unfortunately they’ve left us hog-tired. Deliberately.